In my view, Republicans took a compromise approach for 20+ years and the Dems never backed off their positions, so the "Bipartisan" outcomes went further and further left. Now they are as Herzog said, way more left than the average guy in America. I say forget compromising if all it gets you is more movement left. Stick to your guns and move the needle further to the true middle ground we all seek and will likely never achieve.
So let me ask...what movement "left" has happened?
@Herzog mentioned you have to have morals....but who's morals and what constitute morals?
I'm now talking more generic and belief systems....not so much political parties.
I will be very open about mine. I think the whole trans gender thing is ridiculous. How you someone was born physiologically at birth should determine the sports league they play in. It has nothing to do with the mental state of a person (while I do believe it is a mental "issue" I don't care if they want to transition, after making the choice for themselves and they are of legal age...I don't believe it needs to be "fixed") As for other "Morals that the country needs" what are they? Abortion, equal rights, vices, etc are the really the moral things I can think of. I think from a federal stand point on abortion, They need to determine when life begins. Once that's determined, it should be a states issue. Because, in reality, that is the basis for the argument. If it's life, it's protected under the constitution....but until it's a life, it really has no rights, and it does become a personal choice. So, once THAT is determined, then, let the states do it with what they will...but there needs to be a base decision made. Equal rights (gay marriage, trans right, etc) Again, if there is a federal applicable right that is granted to one person for something, then it needs to be protected for ALL people. Marriage for example....there are federal rights given to married couples. Those rights need to be passed on to any 2 people that legally enter a "marriage" in the eyes of the .gov. Because the federal government has set this up, it needs to be protected on a national level. How could a state decide a marriage is not allowed, and then federal benefits would not be granted? This is where the basis of my argument would come from. If there was no spousal protection, then the gay marriage debate would be void IMHO. Vices....again, people should be able to make their own decisions. drinking, gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc. should all be legal (upon legal age) People should be allowed to put in their body what they wish.....and it is really no one's business. The rules for doing/causing things that put others at risk is different.
So, how have we moved left according to your views?
Expanding a little. I am all for smaller .gov I believe the .gov has grown WAY beyond what it was meant to be and should be. There is WAY too much regulation, too much spending, too many rules that do NOTHING but to control people. Taxes should be lower (so should subsidies, entitlements, military spending etc.) I think we should have a balanced budget amendment. So i feel I am FAR more "right" when it comes to fiscal policy then almost ANY Republican politician currently serving (outside of Ron Paul....not Rand)