Political So now what

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Your logic makes me perfectly justified in robbing banks.
No my logic does not do that. No one would argue that robber is a victimless crime or not inherently wrong.

Being in the US "illegally" is only wrong because the government says so. I think we are all mature enough to understand that difference.

I will also clarify that I do not advocate for illegal immigration but will advocate for the humane treatment of illegal immigrants.

There is far more fear over immigration (legal or not) than justified by their impact on the country. Sadly that is stoked by politicians needing ways to motivate voters. The main impact of illegal immigrants is self-inflicted by barring them from working while their cases work through the system.

We need politicians of both parties to have the nerve to actually deal with immigration reform. Under current law, most those who are coming to the boarder have no legal route to pursue. Quotas and other restrictions don't leave them any realistic options.
To stir another pot, I will share my thoughts in the oral arguments before SCOTUS on barring Trump from the Colorado ballot based on the 14th Amendment.

I found the line of thinking by Justice Kavanaugh the most bothersome. While I can see the court wanting to avoid deciding who can be president (although that has been done before), by arguing that the 'electorate should decide', he is basically ignoring the Constitution (and thus their duty as the Supreme Court.)

The Constitution clearly sets limits on who is eligible to serve as president and I don't think anyone would argue that voters should be allowed to decide if Arnold Schwarzenegger (not a natural born citizen), Taylor Swift (too young) or Barak Obama (term limits) where running.

It seems the Court needs to do the hard task of ruling whether or not Trump committed insurrection or supported those who did. If he did, then he is barred by the Constitution from elected office and it is not up the 'the electorate to decide'. If not, then yes is runs and voters can determine the outcome.
To stir another pot, I will share my thoughts in the oral arguments before SCOTUS on barring Trump from the Colorado ballot based on the 14th Amendment.

I found the line of thinking by Justice Kavanaugh the most bothersome. While I can see the court wanting to avoid deciding who can be president (although that has been done before), by arguing that the 'electorate should decide', he is basically ignoring the Constitution (and thus their duty as the Supreme Court.)

The Constitution clearly sets limits on who is eligible to serve as president and I don't think anyone would argue that voters should be allowed to decide if Arnold Schwarzenegger (not a natural born citizen), Taylor Swift (too young) or Barak Obama (term limits) where running.
How? Colorado claims a right to do something that the amendment does not literally say. Section 3 does not mention the president or the vice president. It says an insurrectionist may not hold federal positions; Colorado is trying to expand that to say an insurrectionist may not even seek office.

If insurrectionists were elected, Congress would be within its authority to refuse to seat them (assuming they’d been satisfactorily proved to be insurrectionists). Yet Section 3 does not prohibit even a proven insurrectionist from running for office. The state is asserting the power both to invoke Section 3 as its authority to disqualify people, and to change the terms of Section 3’s disqualification parameters.

It seems the Court needs to do the hard task of ruling whether or not Trump committed insurrection or supported those who did. If he did, then he is barred by the Constitution from elected office and it is not up the 'the electorate to decide'. If not, then yes is runs and voters can determine the outcome.
If a case regarding Trump being an insurrectionist came before SCOTUS, they would rule on it. This is not that case. This case is whether Colorado has the right to bar a candidate on the ballot using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Even Justice Kagan, a staunch Liberal, said “This sounds national.” Meaning the 14th Amendment’s disqualification provision calls for a national standard. That’s why Section 5 of the 14th Amendment empowers Congress, not the states, to enforce the amendment’s provisions.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want Trump on the ballot, but that should be up to the Republican primary voters nominating an electable candidate. Not state bureaucrats making politically charged choices on who may or may not run for office. I think I said it before, but this will likely be a unanimous decision that Colorado does not have this authority.
Being in the US "illegally" is only wrong because the government says so. I think we are all mature enough to understand that difference.
Every country has these rules and laws. Primary reason is protection annd security by letting those in who you have vetted. Our current leadership chooses to ignore them. Do me a favor, migrate to a country of your chaoice by illegally crossing. Let me know how that goes for you and how much free support and shelter you get that is not a jail cell.
Houndoc. You can't believe that. We believe in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. If it's too be changed it's to be changed according to the correct channels, not arbitrarily.

All countries have laws pertaining to immigration. Even and especially the most peaceful ones like Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and others in fact the more peaceful the country: the more stringent the policies. It's bigger than just borders.

I can assure you if you were to try to enter these countries illegally you'd spend a very very long time in jail. Not just sent back safely.
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Dan Bongino had an interesting take on why there would be no indictment from the special counsel on Biden. It will make all the TDS people happy. It goes back to the Muller probe and the whole discussion of whether a sitting President can be indicted. Interesting take.

No my logic does not do that. No one would argue that robber is a victimless crime or not inherently wrong.

Being in the US "illegally" is only wrong because the government says so. I think we are all mature enough to understand that difference.
What is the cost to the American tax payers where that money could have gone to better programs or lower taxs? I would share fairs article showing it has increased 60billion since 2017 but someone would probably share politico or cato that says it isn't true without data just that they are far right white supremacists.
How about we take whatever the number is ($150Billion according to the white supremacists) in taxs payed out for illegals and put that into something good like veterans or mental illness and homeless population that is so rampant. That 150 goes to border security and all the gov employees that have to do all the case work and will only increase with more illegals coming through.

Inferring that illegal immigration is victimless and only wrong because the gov says so isn't right, there are reports of illegal immigrants harming or killing legal US citizens. Plus the fact the we truly have no idea who these people are, they could easily be part of a terrorist groups larger plans. I will state I am immature, ask anyone that knows me but even at my level I can see it is wrong for many reasons not just because gov says so.

I am all for legal immigration btw.
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Since everyone is asking for proof all the time, this should be an easy request.

What did Trump say or do to qualify for insurrection?
Can you provide examples of anyone involved in Jan 6 getting convicted of insurrection?
You will note that I did not attempt address that at all in my post, instead stating that in my opinion that is what SCOTUS needs to do.
Do me a favor, migrate to a country of your chaoice by illegally crossing. Let me know how that goes for you and how much free support and shelter you get that is not a jail cell.

I love (sarcastic) argument of just leave the country....

What is the cost to the American tax payers where that money could have gone to better programs or lower taxs?

Inferring that illegal immigration is victimless and only wrong because the gov says so isn't right, there are reports of illegal immigrants harming or killing legal US citizens. Plus the fact the we truly have no idea who these people are, they could easily be part of a terrorist groups larger plans. I will state I am immature, ask anyone that knows me but even at my level I can see it is wrong for many reasons not just because gov says so.

I am all for legal immigration btw.

The cost to tax payers I addressed repeated in this thread- allow immigrants to get work permits in a timely manner so there is not a need to provide for basic needs.

As to the fact some immigrants commit violent crimes (repeated studies show at lower rates the natural born Americans), they can and absolutely should be held accountable for that. No one has suggested otherwise.
How? Colorado claims a right to do something that the amendment does not literally say. Section 3 does not mention the president or the vice president. It says an insurrectionist may not hold federal positions; Colorado is trying to expand that to say an insurrectionist may not even seek office.

If insurrectionists were elected, Congress would be within its authority to refuse to seat them (assuming they’d been satisfactorily proved to be insurrectionists). Yet Section 3 does not prohibit even a proven insurrectionist from running for office. The state is asserting the power both to invoke Section 3 as its authority to disqualify people, and to change the terms of Section 3’s disqualification parameters.

If a case regarding Trump being an insurrectionist came before SCOTUS, they would rule on it. This is not that case. This case is whether Colorado has the right to bar a candidate on the ballot using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Even Justice Kagan, a staunch Liberal, said “This sounds national.” Meaning the 14th Amendment’s disqualification provision calls for a national standard. That’s why Section 5 of the 14th Amendment empowers Congress, not the states, to enforce the amendment’s provisions.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want Trump on the ballot, but that should be up to the Republican primary voters nominating an electable candidate. Not state bureaucrats making politically charged choices on who may or may not run for office. I think I said it before, but this will likely be a unanimous decision that Colorado does not have this authority.

Courts have already ruled that STATES can leave candidates off the ballot who do not met the constitutional standard to server as president. Obviously that aspect of the 14th Amendment has not had to be considered before, but age and citizenship status has been ruled on in the favor of states.

So the ruling really needs to be on whether or not Trump is constitutionally able to serve as president. If not, then precedent says he can and should be left off the ballot.

The argument Trump's lawyers are making that the 14th Amendment does not apply to the president and VP is interesting. Personally I find the logic unbelievable that when writing, debating and passing the amendment the idea would be 'we do not want Confederates holding federal office and undermining our nation, except President, that would be okay.'
Social programs whether it’s for illegal immigrants or legal immigrants have a tendency to piss me off. You just have to know people that work in human services and medical providers that work at a clinic with mainly immigrant patients. I know both. Both have countless stories of abuse of our systems that frustrate me to no end. It’s way too easy for them to abuse! I’m all for charity and I know people need help but the system is BROKEN.
You will note that I did not attempt address that at all in my post, instead stating that in my opinion that is what SCOTUS needs to do.

I love (sarcastic) argument of just leave the country....

The cost to tax payers I addressed repeated in this thread- allow immigrants to get work permits in a timely manner so there is not a need to provide for basic needs.

As to the fact some immigrants commit violent crimes (repeated studies show at lower rates the natural born Americans), they can and absolutely should be held accountable for that. No one has suggested otherwise.
I wasn’t telling you to leave the country. I was just rhetorically encouraging you to try in another country what is happening here against established law
The cost to tax payers I addressed repeated in this thread- allow immigrants to get work permits in a timely manner so there is not a need to provide for basic needs.

As to the fact some immigrants commit violent crimes (repeated studies show at lower rates the natural born Americans), they can and absolutely should be held accountable for that. No one has suggested otherwise.
Work permit different from a work visa? I am even alright with works visas. I have many cowokers that are in the US with work permits legally and waited their time, the time factor is helpful to vet those wanting to come here.

I will assume the studies that showed low violent crime rates are from 2017-2020 when all stats were lower for a reason or slightly before like 2014-2016 which were the best years for obama. For 2017-2020 homicide rate total 11, from 2021-2024 current 161, 2023 also saw the highest rate of gang members just shy of 600 and 35k+ with national warrants or felonies and something close to 200 affiliated with terrorist groups and only 18 apprehended. My point is that there is no way in hell that illegal immigration is only bad because the gov says so, the more that come in illegally will only increase those numbers.
Not sure what to think of this, interesting though:

Once a spook, always a spook. Once an informant, always an informant.
If this turns out to be real, my only question will be....is he wearing lipstick?

I don't believe jan6 is as bad as it is being made out to be, unless the videos of the police letting people in the building and showing them around are all fake.
Look over here -- don't worry about the peaceful riots. Those were just a nice night for a walk, if you got chilly just warm yourself up at the nearest business engulfed in flames.
If this turns out to be real, my only question will be....is he wearing lipstick?

I don't believe jan6 is as bad as it is being made out to be, unless the videos of the police letting people in the building and showing them around are all fake.
Look over here -- don't worry about the peaceful riots. Those were just a nice night for a walk, if you got chilly just warm yourself up at the nearest business engulfed in flames.
If it is real, he's pretty much admitted to treasonous behavior and activities... which is probably why he's wearing lipstick. X-D