No one here advocating for illegal immigration believes in anarchy.
Not to say too much but from what I have read no one is really advocating here FOR illegal immigration.
The debate that I see tends to get lost when one side believes that the other is fighting FOR what is ultimately only a small portion of the debate, and usually expressed as being FOR a very negative or illegal thing.
The real debate is what should be done about it. I actually agree with the mindset that there should be escalated penalties for people being here illegally committing violent crimes (felony level) I think of them similar to "aggravated" level or even hate crimes (which I am generally opposed to) however the debate really boils down to what can we do to make it more simple or easier for those that have come here to not drain the system.
Hounddoc is saying that even if they come here illegally (because the system is so broken that it is basically impossible for them to come here legally) that they should be allowed a work visa to get them earning and hopefully avoid using .gov benefits. I would generally support this idea. Another thought or benefit of this is, in theory it should make it much easier for the .gov to track those that are here with no ill will towards us. If someone is found to not have signed up they get the boot immediately.
I find it some what funny how everyone thinks the the system needs a major overhaul yet that is usually never the focus of the debate. While I don't support how we allow so much illegal crossing to happen with not nearly the deterents we should have, my bigger pet peeve is so much .gov services and $ being thrown to automatically help people that are not helping themselves(legal or illegal). Find out who wants to help themselves first then work on getting rid of the rest.
One of my ideas for immigration reform is simply create levels of "citizenship". Work visas being the lowest. No real .gov benefits, just the right to be and work here....pretty much anyone wanting to stay here and earn $ for their family is eligible. Green card is next and this means you plan to stay long term and are doing more skilled level work. This entitles you to education in public school (assuming that the people at this level are earning higher wages and paying taxes and possibly even extra taxes could be levied to pay) continue upward until you can become a citizen. Each level has a certain time period and certain fees/taxes assesed you must work through before being eligible for the next level, if you are not applying for a certain level right off the bat
(college educated starting at level 3 or whatever)
Any person here illegally not at least attempting to follow these rules should be deported and if any violent crime (or smaller crime) should be levied heavier penalties against these individuals.
Just my thought with an idea on how to possibly help with both the immigration reform and the illegal crossings.