Southwest Crawlfest... what went wrong?

1\4elliptic toy

The Dark Side
Ask the BLM and the land use groups that got screwed out of the money, Im sure they will feel all nostalgic about it.

This is different than woodstock, the promotor was there to make money and openly admitted it, if steve would have made money AFTER he paid the bills from the 60 dollar entry fee (minus the 15 for LUG's) then good for him.

The raffle money and the 15 dollar per attendee registration fee were not his to play with PERIOD!


Well-Known Member
West jordan
Has anyone thought about gathering a list of names of those that have donated Money to the "Land use raffle" and also contacting the Vendors and seeing if anyone is interested in pursing charges? If you brought a list that long to the authorities it would be sure to get attention. I think a lawyer would need to be involved but I think it might be worth looking at. You could start with the people names that have been provided via registration or anyone that purchased tickets. Also the Vendors listed on the website page. Just a thought. I could help if needed.

And what about all the people that bought raffle tickets and won something and all of sudden the items "came up missing" so where is all of that product? He still hasn even said where the raffle money went! He's never given an explanation for that!


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
was the raffle done on site? if so how did people win stuff and not collect it right then and there? I can see the money disappearing but the products being raffled? educate me on this... seeing I was not there....


Formerly Beardy McGee
There was a kit of gear donated by Poison Spider Customs (IIRC) that had a portion of it "walk away".. Crabtree's words in quotations. There are also accounts of Crabtree holding onto donated items for himself, and, giving items to volunteers behind the scenes.


Active Member
when steve says the blm has not billed him yet, he is correct. the process is to turn in the # of vehicles, then they will send a statement out, and when it is ok'd then they send an invoice. i have been in and talked with Dave, i have not received a bill for wotr yet, but i do know what the final fee is. as for paying the blm fee for swcf, i was told they will do what needs to be done, and to just take care of ours.

if this gets let go, it wont be any different that it is now. i tried to let people know there was problems last year and no body wanted to hear it, i was told to back off and let it go....... and now you can see where that got us

as for the raffle, it is 100% profit, everything is donated, so that money should go to the land use as it was stated.........


Sand Pile
St George Utah
Contact at Utah Consumer Protection is Steve Cooley. If you have "proof" evidence or concerns about SWCF please call him. Phone: 801-530-6601 | Toll-Free: 1-800-721-SAFE. Lets put an end to all this with three years of SWCF past there will be alot of question's.

Frequently Asked Questions
• What does the Division of Consumer Protection do? • What do I do if I'm a victim of identity theft? • Is there a 3-day right-of-recission law for all consumer purchases? • Can you tell me whether a business is legitimate? • What can I do about debt collectors calling me? • Can you tell me my legal rights in a specific situation? • How can I reduce unwanted junk mail and telephone solicitations? • How do I find out the registered agent or address for a business? • Can you help me get my money back if I am the victim of a prize scam? • Is this charity legitimate?


Active Member
yeah its just like last year, give it some time and it will be forgotten about, and then we can have this conversation again next year............


I run a tight ship... wreck
yeah its just like last year, give it some time and it will be forgotten about, and then we can have this conversation again next year............


That seems pretty serious to me, the next step is for others who gave money to Steve, which they understood would go to one of the listed Land Use orgs, is to add their names to the complaint that has been filed by Stacey.

The first step in making sure this doesn't happen again, has been taken. So what are you doing to stop this from happening again?


Poser Offroad Bronco
GUIDELINES:!!!! HAVE FUN!!---give each other sh!t, but don't cross certain lines
2) Thou shalt not Personally attack a 'fellow member' in a public area---Not happening on my will be banned {I can't believe I have to write this}........We've had one direct attack on my board....NEVER AGAIN!!!! If you've got a personal problem with someone, this is a great avenue to communicate, just don't do it in public. There are these cool things called Personal Messages. Try them......No public bashing of one or any specific persons, groups, race, religion, etc.-----we're stand up people here, there's other places for that if that's what you are into....blah, blah, blah, blah... ...........
Well I have read the last 18 pages and all i'm wondering is do the guidelines not apply? I'm kinda lost on this....I read it with out logging in.


Poser Offroad Bronco
But if it was true...why haven't we heard of it on public new's and so forth???
Is everyone taking him to small claim's court or actually following through with threats of tax fraud????
Are the land use people taking legal action?
Just so everyone know's I didn't make this event... So how do 200+ people get robbed?
I am not trying to stir anything BUT.....This seem's like a really Big Deal.
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I've asked for some clarification on the legal view of the land use raffle as it relates to the advertising and possible fraud. I've also asked for that same clarification on non-payment of certain registration money. Whether USA-ALL and BRC will go that same route, I couldn't say. Also note, as of right now, I'm having conversations, not "pressing charges".

It is a big deal to me as an individual, and also as the U4WDA's current president, that land-use groups were used as a way to get donations for a raffle-- the money from which apparently didn't go to what it was reasonably assumed it would go to-- LAND USE GROUPS.

Let me be crystal clear here: I don't care if U4, BRC, USA-ALL, whoever, actually gets that money-- I care 1,000x more about the credibility of those groups after being used by Steve Crabtree to mislead the public. It has always been my opinion that any non-profit be COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT, to avoid the appearance of impropriety and to be able to show the public that their money is not being squandered.

More than anything else, that's my disappointment with SWCF and Steve. No accountability, no transparency, lots of questions without answers.


I run a tight ship... wreck
i am setting back and watching what happens, when ever i get into it, i get told i make it to personal, same as last year, so what are you doing so it dont happen again..........

I'm hosting a very needed discussion, after being threatened with a law suit. There's also further behind the scenes discussions going on, regarding how to best proceed.

Thanks for sitting back and watching, that's a huge help. :rofl: