Southwest Crawlfest... what went wrong?


I run a tight ship... wreck
glad i can help, last time i tried, i was told to back off, so glad i can be of help this time........

There's a pretty big difference between tossing out rumors and posting up fact. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand why one helps and one does not, which is why you were asked to back off. Rumors do no good, facts are needed.


Active Member
yeah i guess all i have is rumors, kinda like everybody else, i just hope all the rumors dont fall on deaf ears this go around............


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Are the land use people taking legal action?

If you mean legal action by means of hiring a lawyer and taking him to court. I can only speak for USA-All and say no. It would be a waste of money donated by members to spend thousands of dollars trying to get what will probably amount nothing out of Steve Crabtree. I am sure you have heard the term "getting blood out of a turnip"

Like Tacoma stated, we don't anticipate ever seeing any money from Steve, but will do everything within our power to see that he never uses U4, BRC, USA-All, United 4WDA to make any money on again.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
U4 will also not be wasting money on an individual lawsuit of any type. If the powers that be decide they need information from us for a legal complaint against him, we will comply.

When asked, I will continue to present what information I have for a fact, and offer my opinion if it's wanted. I'm not out to ruin Steve outside of what his own actions do to himself.


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I apologize for being 'late to the party' so to speak.
As no one has weighed in on this I wanted to make sure some facts were recognized. I'm not here to bash anyone, only provide some additional facts that have not been bought out yet.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations provided the insurance that the event was allowed to run under.

I was asked by Steve literally the day before the event to provide a certificate for the event. For those of you putting on events, how many of you could get a policy less than 24 hours before the event? Probably not many of you. Suffice to say we obtained a deposit on the policy with the rest to be billed once we could get our paperwork in order with our carrier.
We got the final bill on the policy and I've been patiently waiting for Steve to get back with me as UFWDA was to be a recipient of a potentially decent donation. Having read the website claims or $40,000 in raffle proceeds we were blindly ignorant of the now apparent goings on behind the scenes.
I was doing a simple Google search on Crawlfest that landed me here in the midst of Steve's apparent turmoil.
United is now stuck with the bill for the insurance policy as we have to pay our bills to allow us to continue to provide insurnace policies for other events across the country.
I've sent a letter to Steve in the hopes he will make good on the debt United has paid on his behalf. We're talking about more than a few hundred dollars too.

Again, sorry to make this my first post but I felt it was important for all of you to know that the United Four Wheel Drive Associations was not a beneficiary of any proceeds of the event.

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President UFWDA
Last edited:


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Hello Everyone,

I apologize for being 'later to the party' so the speak.
As no one has weighed in on this I wanted to make sure some facts were recognized. I'm not here to bash anyone, only provide some additional facts that have not been bought out yet.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations provided the insurance that the event was allowed to run under.

I was asked by Steve literally the day before the event to provide a certificate for the event. For those of you putting on events, how many of you could get a policy less than 24 hours before the event? Probably not many of you. Suffice to say we obtained a deposit on the policy with the rest to be billed once we could get our paperwork in order with our carrier.
We got the final bill on the policy and I've been patiently waiting for Steve to get back with me as UFWDA was to be a recipient of a potentially decent donation. Having read the website claims or $40,000 in raffle proceeds we were blindly ignorant of the now apparent goings on behind the scenes.
I was doing a simple Google search on Crawlfest that landed me here in the midst of Steve's apparent turmoil.
United is now stuck with the bill for the insurance policy as we have to pay our bills to allow us to continue to provide insurnace policies for other events across the country.
I've sent a letter to Steve in the hopes he will make good on the debt United has paid on his behalf. We're talking about more than a few hundred dollars too.

Again, sorry to make this my first post but I felt it was important for all of you to know that the United Four Wheel Drive Associations was not a beneficiary of any proceeds of the event.

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President UFWDA

Insert your best Gomer Pyle impersonation here.............SUPRISE, SUPRISE, SUPRISE.


Based on this information, you at the least have a case for small claims court against Steve Crabtree.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Hello Everyone,

I apologize for being 'late to the party' so to speak.
As no one has weighed in on this I wanted to make sure some facts were recognized. I'm not here to bash anyone, only provide some additional facts that have not been bought out yet.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations provided the insurance that the event was allowed to run under.

I was asked by Steve literally the day before the event to provide a certificate for the event. For those of you putting on events, how many of you could get a policy less than 24 hours before the event? Probably not many of you. Suffice to say we obtained a deposit on the policy with the rest to be billed once we could get our paperwork in order with our carrier.
We got the final bill on the policy and I've been patiently waiting for Steve to get back with me as UFWDA was to be a recipient of a potentially decent donation. Having read the website claims or $40,000 in raffle proceeds we were blindly ignorant of the now apparent goings on behind the scenes.
I was doing a simple Google search on Crawlfest that landed me here in the midst of Steve's apparent turmoil.
United is now stuck with the bill for the insurance policy as we have to pay our bills to allow us to continue to provide insurnace policies for other events across the country.
I've sent a letter to Steve in the hopes he will make good on the debt United has paid on his behalf. We're talking about more than a few hundred dollars too.

Again, sorry to make this my first post but I felt it was important for all of you to know that the United Four Wheel Drive Associations was not a beneficiary of any proceeds of the event.

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President UFWDA

Jim, thank you so much for posting up the facts and letting us know how things have worked out for the United Four Wheel Drive Associations in regards to Southwest Crawlfest. I think we all wish that we didn't have to deal with this situation, but it's becoming very apparent that at the least, Steve Crabtree is a poor event organizer and unable to follow thru on the promises he's made.

It's sad when organizations like UFWDA need to use their hard earned money to cover someone else event insurance bill, when that money should be going somewhere more appropriate.

If you need help raising the funds to offset that amount, just ask and we will see what we can do.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Anyone see the article Crawlfest '11 in the May Petersen's?

Hello Everyone,

I apologize for being 'late to the party' so to speak.
As no one has weighed in on this I wanted to make sure some facts were recognized. I'm not here to bash anyone, only provide some additional facts that have not been bought out yet.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations provided the insurance that the event was allowed to run under.

I was asked by Steve literally the day before the event to provide a certificate for the event. For those of you putting on events, how many of you could get a policy less than 24 hours before the event? Probably not many of you. Suffice to say we obtained a deposit on the policy with the rest to be billed once we could get our paperwork in order with our carrier.
We got the final bill on the policy and I've been patiently waiting for Steve to get back with me as UFWDA was to be a recipient of a potentially decent donation. Having read the website claims or $40,000 in raffle proceeds we were blindly ignorant of the now apparent goings on behind the scenes.
I was doing a simple Google search on Crawlfest that landed me here in the midst of Steve's apparent turmoil.
United is now stuck with the bill for the insurance policy as we have to pay our bills to allow us to continue to provide insurnace policies for other events across the country.
I've sent a letter to Steve in the hopes he will make good on the debt United has paid on his behalf. We're talking about more than a few hundred dollars too.

Again, sorry to make this my first post but I felt it was important for all of you to know that the United Four Wheel Drive Associations was not a beneficiary of any proceeds of the event.

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President UFWDA

I think it is about time Peterson 4Wheel get an inbox full of letters.


New Member
If you need help raising the funds to offset that amount, just ask and we will see what we can do.

Is this really a 'club' that I want to belong to? :(
Thanks for the offer Greg. There isn't a land use org among us; BRC, U4WDA, USA-ALL that can continue to absorb the finalcial loss or be caught up in the mis-steps of others.
While I saw some say that I shouldn't have been suprised, I DID ask some of my western confidants if I needed to be wary..... They told me no.....hmmmmmm.......Looks like I might need some new confidants now! :ugh:
In the meantime I will continue to try and find a solution with Steve outside the drama of public forums and posts.
UFWDA would very much like to have more presense in western states land use issues but lacking a UFWDA Board member from that region, it's hard to know exactly what's going on.
Feel free to contact me anytime.

While I've got your attention can I make my commercial pitch for the 2011 BFG Outstanding Trails Program?
$1000's of dollars up for grabs for your favorite trail. Send your nominations in now!’s-outstanding-trails-program/

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President - UFWDA


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
In the meantime I will continue to try and find a solution with Steve outside the drama of public forums and posts.

Good luck with that!

UFWDA would very much like to have more presense in western states land use issues but lacking a UFWDA Board member from that region, it's hard to know exactly what's going on.

You may currently lack a board member, but the Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association has a delegate to UFWDA in the person of Todd Adams, who I'm sure would be happy to advise on any UT issues, at the least. Also, the Ockerts continue to be involved in issues in CA...

.. at any rate, I'd welcome more contact. :D



somewhat damaged
While I've got your attention can I make my commercial pitch for the 2011 BFG Outstanding Trails Program?
$1000's of dollars up for grabs for your favorite trail. Send your nominations in now!’s-outstanding-trails-program/

Jim Mazzola - kb8ymf
President - UFWDA

You bet!

Jim - we'd love it if you stuck around and gave us periodic UFWDA updates. Thanks for joining and giving us some insight on your end.



Take your Rig to the Edge
I dont have time to get past page 10 could some one recap what all the facts are and if steve ever actually posted? I would appricate it. The event was great but its so sad that behind the amazing exterior was black


sugar house
For "next years event"....

People just need to take more interest in "winter on the rocks", Tacoma, if you need help spreading the word for it I can help in that department(I'm obnoxious, I'll get peoples attention)."winter on the rocks" is basically the same exact idea(steve stole the idea IMO) except the event is done by U4WDA, a legit organization, with transparentcy and a good heart, money wont go missing! If tacomas mom gets sick, sarge will come through, rather than leave everyone in the dark. Hopefully people (sponsors, and participants) will understand that "wotr" has NOTHING to do with Crabtree or Crawlfest (more commonly now known as "crabfest"


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Steve's response:

Here are some facts:
1. USA-All and U4WDA have received a list of registrants who designated them for membership. I cannot verify if BRC or UFWDA have received the list.
2. Only U4 has received any money for those registrations and it was only for part of the list.
3. United Four Wheel Drive Association provided the insurance policy for the event at the last minute and as of a couple of weeks ago, they had not been paid for the balance remaining on the policy. At that time, Steve was not returning calls to them.
4. As of a couple of weeks ago, the BLM had not been paid.
5. There has been no accountability for the land use raffle dollars.
6. Missing raffle items have not surfaced.
7. There are local businesses like Alpha Graphics who have not been paid for items related to the event.
8. Costs related to SWCF website have not been paid for.
9. No one has heard from Steve since the sh!t hit the fan.

10. And the most important fact.........Steve threw a kick ass event and we all can't wait for next years SWCF:rolleyes: