Southwest Crawlfest... what went wrong?


But stuck more often.
So after reading this and the Pirate stuff, and reading nothing from Steve, it seams to me that nothing will get resolved from a website. Why don't the vendors and those that have been wronged, turn it over to authorities? Let them take care of him and we can all get back to talking four wheeling.


Went from 80" to 125" :)
Salt Lake City
Bower Media did the promotional stuff for SWCF, the web hosting was also done by someone with the last name, but unrelated.

The guy that did the web site work was, once again, asked by Steve Crabtree for help and is unrelated as far as being an accomplice, like you're insinuating. He's a damn good guy and isn't involved in any shady dealings. In the end, there is one guy that put the event together (Steve Crabtree) that same guy is the only one that knows where all the money went.

The guy that did the web site hasn't been paid a dime, even though Crabtree claims thousands of dollars in expenses and hosting costs for 4 months of having his site online. Anyone that knows anything about hosting a web site knows that price absurd.

Ok I was wrong. I thought I heard something, but the last names what confused me. Carry on :D


any updates? I've been watching the developments on this (or lack of) and am eager to see some good come at the end of this in the form of payments being made to the deserving parties. (obviously some of the bad that's already happened is unavoidable) Has anybody talked with Steve and gotten a game plan for paying up?


Formerly Beardy McGee
The next step is an investigation by local PD, which I believe is in the works. I imagine that this will take some time. Sucks, but I foresee little answers in the near future. Crabtree is keeping to himself under a rock.


Active Member
St. George
Saw Steve's Facebook page and thought I would give it a try in talking with him. Here is a copy of the conversation relating to the SWCF. Reading his comments, he sounds like a poor victim who just got in over his head. From what I can learn, he has yet to pay most if not all the people he usd related to this years event. The big questions then becomes, what did he really do with all the money?

Truth be know, I really do not care that Steve goes to jail but think he needs to not profit from this whole mess. I have not tried to press charges against Steve however, I have contacted the IRS which they are now investigating. What will most likely happen is Rockaholics will loose their non profit status, they and Steve will have to pay income taxes on all the donations and money they receivd over the last sevral years. Of course, a long with fines and interest. At least he won't profit from all this.


Active Member
St. George
Stacey February 26 at 9:50pm
FYI, I am metting with the County attorney's office first thing Monday morning to bring charges against you for theft.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 9:52pm Report
Go ahead Stacey you will lose you have no proof I did not do anything wrong but have more expenses than income

StaceyFebruary 26 at 9:54pm
The expenses mean nothing other than you are incompitent. You sold your gig as a land use fundraiser yet did not forward the money. That is stealing.

Stacey February 26 at 9:55pm
I suggest you take the money you missused and buy yourself a good attorney.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 9:56pm Report
You dont appreciate a damn thing of what I have done and you dont know the facts only what you hear ! I have given over $10,000 dollars to U4 the past 4 years from my events that I have worked with and nobody cares but I can prove this . You are getting on the wrong band wagon because I have only been the subject to people not supporting the event like last year nothing else!!!!!

Stacey February 26 at 9:56pm
You had a raffle and kept the money. I don't care about the rest of your gig. Money I paid was not yours to keep.

Stacey February 26 at 9:59pm
The only facts from you are what you have publicly stated. You spent more than you took in, not mine or anyone elses problem. The fact is, no matter how much you may have raised for U4 over the last 10 years, which I do not believe, you stole from them, me and many others this year.

Stacey February 26 at 10:00pm
If the information is incorrect then you would have corrected it instead of acting in the manner of someone guilty.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 10:02pm

It was not my intention to have more bills than income !!!!!!! Why would I intentionaly make this happen I wouldnt but nothing I can say is going to be listened too !!!!!

StaceyFebruary 26 at 10:03pm
The thing is, it does not matter how much your bills are, you made promisses and must follow the laws.

Stacey 26 at 10:05pm
I was a member of Rockaholics when the event was held. I have every right to see the books on this. Also this event was held under a 501 (3) (c) corporation, I am very familliar with the guidelines and laws regarding a non profit. You are truly in serious jepordy of going to jail.

Stacey February 26 at 10:06pm
The IRS does not care of ones intentions, only the facts.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 10:07pm
Then go ahead talk to the County attorney if you think that an event that is upside down in expenses should do something different what do you want me to do I dont have your money to make up the difference I was only trying to help the cause but came up short Thats all!

Stacey February 26 at 10:08pm
How can you spend money that is not yours. You have yet to pay the BLM and others.

StaceyFebruary 26 at 10:09pm
I really suggest you seek legal advice on this. I do not enjoy bringing charges against you.

StaceyFebruary 26 at 10:13pm
Straight from the Rockaholics website. "Proceeds from the $40,000 off road product raffle go to support land use organizations including: Blue Ribbon Coalition, United Four Wheel Drive Association and Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association."

It does not state, if there is anything left over.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 10:14pm
The BLM has not given me a bill !!!!

StaceyFebruary 26 at 10:21pm
Why so silent, you have not said anything except you spent all the money.

StaceyFebruary 26 at 10:25pm
Come on Steve, sticking your head in the sand hoping this all goes away is not helping you.

Stephen CrabtreeFebruary 26 at 10:42pm
I cant post anything on RME without every decision I made being torn apart and your right there you havent been there when the events I had something to do with produced $2700 in 2008 $5900 in 2009 $800 in 2010 because of us sending direct checks to multiple causes and 89 New Members in 2011 totaling over $10,000 in donations to U4 none of this matters!!!!!

StaceyFebruary 27 at 11:11am
I made 2 posts on RME, only after reading your posts which said in essence, "tuff shit people, I spent the money". I do not participate in extreme rock crawling except with my Jeepster friends, you guys drive ugly shit :)

Hope you guys can take a joke..... :eek::eek::eek:

You say you have donated all this money to various organizations yet have never produced proof of what you raised. There needs to be accountability. It amazes me that you can not see this. Sorry but even if you had not had multiple questionable dealings - because you raised the money thru a non profit organization and because you held multiple raffles designated for land use, you need to account for every penny you raised. Had you done these rallies as Steve Crabtree and had not held any raffles then you could tell everyone to kiss your ass, you would not owe anyone any acountability or explanation.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Way to go Stacey, that's the most we've heard from Steve.. Too bad it's in an indirect manner. The invite is still on the table for him to hop on here and explain himself, armed with details.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Pretty funny that he has given over $10,000 to U4.

The only event that was actually his and not U4's was 2010 where he claims to have donated $800. Even that one was U4's Winter Convention. Did he actually donate anything to U4 in 2010?

The BLM has not sent him a bill....funny

Also, it would really surprise me if RA actually has 501c(3) status


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
Has anyone thought about gathering a list of names of those that have donated Money to the "Land use raffle" and also contacting the Vendors and seeing if anyone is interested in pursing charges? If you brought a list that long to the authorities it would be sure to get attention. I think a lawyer would need to be involved but I think it might be worth looking at. You could start with the people names that have been provided via registration or anyone that purchased tickets. Also the Vendors listed on the website page. Just a thought. I could help if needed.


Active Member
St. George
It appears to me what this has all come down to is Steve kept all the money and feels he owes no one any money nor does he owe an explanation to anyone. He is nothing more than a victim of an event gone bad and everyone is just out to get him. He can not explain his way out of this because too many people have too many facts so there is no reason for him to try.

He was just trying to help the cause and came up short.... Must be tough on Steve having so many people challenge such a noble individual.


Well-Known Member
I think its time to lock down this tread and let it die in peace... we are not going to get anything from Steve...
:rofl: If only this had been suggested previously.

Like I said before, if this thread is about facts gathering, there hasn't been any new facts since the first page. (Besides the facts Russ offered and was crucified for) If this thread is about hanging Steve out to dry, then admit it and quit hiding behind the guise of fact finding.

FWIW, I could care less what happens to Steve. Those that know my stand point know this already. Infact I've never met Steve, nor do I care to. With that said, his raffle clearly said that all proceeds from the raffle would go towards land use, correct? Well, you do know what "proceeds" are, right? Proceeds = profit. Let me help you with profit:

profit |ˈpräfit|
a financial gain, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something

So, know what you experts are getting in to before proceeding. You may just be throwing money away if you pursue this.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
The only reason I care is that I don't want to see an event happen next year with the same or worse results and have it said that we knew this was going to happen and did nothing about it.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I care is that I don't want to see an event happen next year with the same or worse results and have it said that we knew this was going to happen and did nothing about it.
I agree completely. He obviously held this event (and events in the past probably) under the impression that Land Use groups would be benefitting from it. Which has proven to be wrong. Anyone (personal or business) that participates in any future events held by Steve deserve exactly what they do or do not get.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I agree completely. He obviously held this event (and events in the past probably) under the impression that Land Use groups would be benefitting from it. Which has proven to be wrong. Anyone (personal or business) that participates in any future events held by Steve deserve exactly what they do or do not get.

Including the general 4x4 user who has to deal with the blm aftermath. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It reminds me of when I watch the documentary on "Woodstock" the pore ass promoter had the hole event go bad from a money making stand point, no food, gate crashers in fact they literally tore down the fence and gate, bad weather, no medical, having to get the bands to the event and keeping them from canceling, he said every investor was suing him for every thing, he stated it was 10 years later before he started to make a every body claims they were there, had a blast and the promotor is finaly making some money off of it.

What will I say about SWCF in 5 years or less........ if you were there what will you say.

Can we wait for a year to answer that one.