Steve's '94 Toyota x-cab mild build

the t100 makes a huge difference, i love how mine stops on a dime. well almost, the brakes are almost too strong and they lock up the wheels when you slam them at moderate speeds. your truck is looking sweet, any plans for a front bumper?
Oops, that's what I meant Lewis, thanks for the clarification. It's been a long day and my brain is fried.

I'll have to hunt down a t100 master. How does the t100 master compare to the swap?

No plans for a front bumper kranny. I really like the stock look, and almost all aftermarket bumpers kill the approach angle. I do plan on blacking out the front bumper and grill though, but that's way down the road.
So the chevy MC will definitely work, however you will also need an adapter plate, adapter fittings and you will lose the sensor that turns on the light to let you know if your brake fluid is low. All this is probably still cheaper than the t100 MC though. I paid close to $140 for mine. It works really well though and cured all my brake issues. Its got to be the t100 1 ton 1-1/16" bore though. They put others in the t100 that are the same as you already have.
well i dont know if there are any left but i just picked up a 1 ton non abs t100 mc which is 1 1/16 bore of new unit no core for 60 buck shipped but when i ordered they said there was only one left, might be worth a look.
Thread jack
So on my 85 runner if I m going to up grade to the t100 or just go for the 1 in ? Planning on running v6 brakes and running discs in the rear one day..
Ps. I just picked up a 1 in for 30 $ but would take it back and save up..
Thread jack
So on my 85 runner if I m going to up grade to the t100 or just go for the 1 in ? Planning on running v6 brakes and running discs in the rear one day..
Ps. I just picked up a 1 in for 30 $ but would take it back and save up..

What calipers? If you run the stock ones the 1" should be fine. Run tundra calipers or chev/ ford 1/2 ton-1 ton calipers than the t100 1 ton works really well.
I got it out of the garage. I still have a squishy brake pedal though. It doesn't do anything for the first 2 inches, then it grabs really well. I'm guessing I need to bleed my MC. I ran it out of fluid during the build, and I tried to pump it a few times. I didn't want to bench bleed it, and I think that's why it's sucking right now. ANy ideas of how to bleed my master without having to unhook my brake lines and re-bleed the entire truck?

According to the ads for the brake bleeding pumps, they will bleed the entire system (including the MC). Speaking from my personal experience, your description of the symptom (works well after 2 inches of pedal play and won't get better no matter how much you pump it) matches exactly for an MC that needs bench bleeding. Since you have mentioned the thought of putting on a bigger MC, I'd certainly try bench bleeding your existing one before buying a new one. Give it a shot!

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I know it sucks, my headaches are just beginning if that helps:eek2:

The calipers/cylinders should maintain their purge since they are fully bled and you are disconnecting the upstream supply that will be air free.

I am a huge fan of gravity bleeding, crack all 4 bleeders and let her run while keeping the MC topped.
Can I bench bleed it while its still installed on the booster? or do I have to pull it off the booster? I always assumed I could just leave it attached to the booster and pump it with the pedal.
i would use a pressure bleeder the kind that attach on the MC res i used one of those on my friends tracker and it worked wonders, it has a small bottle you fill with fluid so the MC stays full, i will try and find out if anyone has one to rent