
I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
So, I have some ideas/suggestions for your tattoo, they should be fitting:






Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City

Had my first color sitting on Monday I was hoping to get all the inlay stuff done so all I had left was background but by hour 3 it was getting to me, so another sitting in July.
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Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Thats what I thought!
I'm sorry, I just can't look at tattoo's without thinking what its going to look like when the person is 50+. Nasty, faded and wrinkly. I know, I know "seize the day", live in the now, but yuck!:ugh:

You're right better to never do something you enjoy or like just because of what it might look like when your old or what other people think.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Fairly certain that by the time that it starts to look odd when I am 70 I will be more worried about other things like cancer, my teeth falling out etc.


Who Dares Wins
...never do something you enjoy or like just because of what it might look like when your old...

Thats the spirit!

Fairly certain that by the time that it starts to look odd when I am 70 I will be more worried about other things like cancer, my teeth falling out etc.

When I'm 70 I plan on hanging out on my yacht shirtless with buxom bikini clad 18 year olds serving me Mai Tai's and rubbing tanning oil on me. I don't want some nasty tattoo to turn them off. :D


one small mod at a time
Fairly certain that by the time that it starts to look odd when I am 70 I will be more worried about other things like cancer, my teeth falling out etc.
Never lookd at it like that, but thats not a bad outlook, still not for me, and I still know what it would look like, and where after 20 years of having the image in my head, but not on my body...

Grew up on the Clearwater river, would be a swooping eagle, (the anhueser busch eagle to be specific), swooping a steel head out of the river, with the clearwater mountains in the backdrop, shoulder to shoulder, or thereabouts. Last name is A,(Eagle runs through the "A", fitting) and ther font type is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
I get that tattoo's aren't for everybody and that some people get some dumb tattoo's but I love the art and the culture around tattoo's and always have. Not all tattoo's fade out and get gross just like anything you have to take care of them. If one day I regret having art work hanging on my body then I will deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Thats the spirit!

When I'm 70 I plan on hanging out on my yacht shirtless with buxom bikini clad 18 year olds serving me Mai Tai's and rubbing tanning oil on me. I don't want some nasty tattoo to turn them off. :D

Hey if you can get her past the biggest turn off of all that being your star trek fetish and other nerd type hobbies I doubt a tattoo will bug her.