

Random Dead Guy
Sandy Utah
Dom, assuming that's really you, you've dropped a few pounds? your chin looks more single than I remember it when we met... wish I could say the same.

I'll be getting new ink later this month.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
that really is Dom. I have to look at that damn tattoo at least once a week ;)


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Dom, assuming that's really you, you've dropped a few pounds? your chin looks more single than I remember it when we met... wish I could say the same.

I'll be getting new ink later this month.

22 pounds since January still trying to lose more. I'll never be really skinny I'm just big but no harm in trying. :D


Formerly WJ ZUK
22 pounds since January still trying to lose more. I'll never be really skinny I'm just big but no harm in trying. :D

I think its cool, should look even better when the color and shading is all done;) SRN just doesn't get it, he is one of the those guys that gets the mac apple on his thigh:rolleyes:


Registered User
Arm Utah
I had the image of my tattoo for almost 3 years before I finally decided to get it done. It was originally airbrushed by one of my instructors while I was at WyoTech.

Oh, and I wouldn't recommend getting it on your side unless you can handle pain very well. It's an awesome place to have it, but it hurts like nothing else I've ever felt... but I'm a wuss. :guilty:

You know when you get fat her ankles are going to be REAL fat.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Why does everyone have to hate on roomates. Cody only has a roomate to support his alcohol habit ($400+ a month in booze). I can't afford a house yet so it kinda works out.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
you guys find someone that will pay you to clean your house, work on your cars, and do yardwork.



Formerly Beardy McGee
He's got a wicked, wicked manly car too. Possibly the manliest vehicle EVER, in fact. ;)

550+ mpg's on 14.5gallons is far cooler on every level than your suburban, or any other urban assault vehicle you own(but don't drive cause it ain't runnin) will ever be... EEEEVVEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR... :p


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'd drive that bug before I'd drive your POS suburban. ;)

are you not secure enough in yourself that you can pull up to a public place and get out of a blacked out, lowered, diesel bug that gets 45 mpg without feeling like a d-bag?


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
I'd drive that bug before I'd drive your POS suburban. ;)

are you not secure enough in yourself that you can pull up to a public place and get out of a blacked out, lowered, diesel bug that gets 45 mpg without feeling like a d-bag?

It's cool when it's just me, but when a couple dudes pop the doors and climb out of the bug it's a little gay.