

Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
but your opinions are usually like fluffy clouds....or like the fog in Brett's room. Looks thick and heavy, but it’s basically all air.



Formerly Beardy McGee
but your opinions are usually like fluffy clouds....or like the fog in Brett's room. Looks thick and heavy, but it’s basically all air.


Brett's foggy clouds cause hallucinations though... they smell nice however :p


Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
Just a few simple corrections, to remind you where that money might be spent instead. ;)

Thank you for the corrections, but not really needed, it reads fine without them. My computer automatically does the capital letters and such on Microsoft Office programs. I was not aware that when typing on RME everything had to be spelled perfect, and punctuation, grammer, flow, and everything else that i missed had to down to a science. If it did, i think Cody would be the only one left posting on RME. I could go through this whole thread and i would be guarenteed to find at least 50 mistakes other people made while typing.

BTW I am going to college, so my money will be well spent on english class if that makes you any happier. Not to mention my highest score on the ACT was in the english section, so if i actually am worried about something i will type to the finest of my ability.


Who Dares Wins
Thank you for the corrections, but not really needed, it reads fine without them. My computer automatically does the capital letters and such on Microsoft Office programs. I was not aware that when typing on RME everything had to be spelled perfect, and punctuation, grammer, flow, and everything else that i missed had to down to a science. If it did, i think Cody would be the only one left posting on RME. I could go through this whole thread and i would be guarenteed to find at least 50 mistakes other people made while typing.

BTW I am going to college, so my money will be well spent on english class if that makes you any happier. Not to mention my highest score on the ACT was in the english section, so if i actually am worried about something i will type to the finest of my ability.

I'm just giving you a hard time. But remember, in college you actually have to write by hand often times. They have these wonderful things called 'blue books'. Thats how you will take 90% of your tests in lower division, writing intensive courses. I had one professor who I swear would not give an A to anyone who filled less than three whole blue books in a 90 minute period. Your hand really hurts after that.:ugh:

good ol ACT. My lowest was in English, 2nd lowest in Reading Comp.

My lowest was math. It was really bad.
Reading Comp was my highest and English was right behind.


Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
I know you are, i'm just saying, im quite a bit smarter then my typing gives me credit for. If that makes sense ha ha. How many pages are in a "blue book"? Is it just free write? Or do they give some sort of subject to write on?


Who Dares Wins
I know you are, i'm just saying, im quite a bit smarter then my typing gives me credit for. If that makes sense ha ha. How many pages are in a "blue book"? Is it just free write? Or do they give some sort of subject to write on?

Standard size Blue Books are usually 16 pages. Usually you are writing an essay on whatever the class is covering. For example, the professor I mentioned taught Post-War European History and Communism/Nationalism in Eastern Europe. Typically you will have a mid-term and a final, both being in class essays. As you get further into a degree program, you use the Blue Book less. Usually just for the mid term with the final being a paper you turn in on the last day. And then finally, they just do away with the Blue Book and you work on a paper for the entire semester. Usually something like 25-30 pages double spaced, one inch margins , MLA citations with a complete annotated bibliography utilizing at least five primary sources and five secondary sources.

Now, as Cody mentioned, not everyone has the joy of using Blue Books. But if you are going to major in the Humanities (ie History, English, ect) then you will become intimately familiar with how each page will crinkle and begin to curl up as it gets full of writing. How when you fold the pages under, they never folds quite right, so your pen always catches the edge of the pages under the one you are writing on. And of course, how the red ink of your professors comments clashes with the blue of the inside cover, making it that much more poignant that you are a failure.

Strangely, reminiscing about all this really makes me miss it all...


Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
Well thank god i dont want to major in History or English, I know i will have to write papers, and I know they arent going to be short. But with what you just said, it sounds like glorified hell!


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
You'll get some big papers regardless of the department. I think my longest was about 30 pages, but I had plenty in the 10-20 page range.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
You'll get some big papers regardless of the department. I think my longest was about 30 pages, but I had plenty in the 10-20 page range.

That statement is true if you replace "papers" in the first sentence with "threads", also. ;)


Who Dares Wins
Does it still hurt, Stephan?

I try to just... drink the pain away. It helps.

Well thank god i dont want to major in History or English, I know i will have to write papers, and I know they arent going to be short. But with what you just said, it sounds like glorified hell!

No I actually really enjoyed most of it. If it was a subject that I enjoyed, it was fun and interesting. My senior thesis was on the English East India Company from 1650-1750, not exactly my favorite area of study, but certainly interesting.


Sandy, Ut
I can't even think of a handwritten essay I ever took? I had plenty of huge reports to do, my senior keystone project report being nearly 100 pages. However it was all technical writing and fact based reports on experiments.