

Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
Well, after a lot of thought, and looking at this picture for several months i know what im going to get. It will be slightly different then this picture:


  • tattoo001qz0.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Remember man it's there forever so take your time and find the tattoo artist that makes your jaw drop. I suggest Alex or Vic at Goodtimes or anyone at Eleventh street electric gallery (Everyone who was good at lost art is at Eleventh Street now) Anybody can get something scanned and traced onto there skin.


Formerly Beardy McGee
It will be slightly different then this picture:

By 'slightly different' i hope you mean 'nothing like'... That's horendous.. Unless, it means something special to you i suppose.. But even then, i think it's pretty bad :-\
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
will someone please change the thread title so it's spelled correctly. Everytime I see it I want to punch a baby koala.


Who Dares Wins
Well, after a lot of thought, and looking at this picture for several months i know what im going to get. It will be slightly different then this picture:

So... why is there a snake tipping a scale? Does it represent something?

will someone please change the thread title so it's spelled correctly. Everytime I see it I want to punch a baby koala.



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I really don't care if the tattoo artist can spell worth a damn. I'm more concerned with their ability to draw an original piece of art and stransfer it to my skin.


Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
Remember man it's there forever so take your time and find the tattoo artist that makes your jaw drop. I suggest Alex or Vic at Goodtimes or anyone at Eleventh street electric gallery (Everyone who was good at lost art is at Eleventh Street now) Anybody can get something scanned and traced onto there skin.

Yes i know its there forever, thanks for reminding me. I have wanted this sence i was 16 just never had anyone that could draw it for me. I was going to go to big deluxe, they have some good artists there too, but i will look into getting it at one of the places you mentioned. Have any addresses for those places? Or where about they are?

So what does it mean to you?

or is just something cool...?

Well it probably means nothing to you, and what it means to me is probably pretty cheesy to you. It has a double meaning to it. The balance (scale) is my Astrological symbol, and the snake is my chinese zodiac sign. The balace represents my life and how i try to live it (if you knew me really well you would understand) and the snake represents me. I think i want it all black and grey with green eyes on the snake.

By 'slightly different' i hope you mean 'nothing like'... That's horendous.. Unless, it means something special to you i suppose.. But even then, i think it's pretty bad :-\

Keep it to yourself man, your not the one that has to live with it, and you dont even have too look at it if you dont want to. Your entitled to your opinion, but i think "horendous" was a little over the top, a friend drew it and the tattoo artist will redraw it to make it look a bit better.

will someone please change the thread title so it's spelled correctly. Everytime I see it I want to punch a baby koala.

I tried to chang it but i dont know if it worked...

So... why is there a snake tipping a scale? Does it represent something?


That is the thing that will be changed. The "scale" will be straight instead of tipped, thats just something that was her idea, but it will be changed. Any other questions.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
don't worry too much about sami if you met him you would question everything about him. :D

Besides he has the unique ability to still walk with his foot in his mouth...:greg:


Formerly Beardy McGee
i'll admit.. i got tricks ;)

but that tattoo still blows... oh, but if you like it go for it
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Let the build Re-begin
St. George, Utah
If I got a tat based on this it would be a monkey spanking a crab.

LOL that is pretty funny to think about. It probably wont be done for a few months anyway, im leaving for college, and right now im doing LA/axle swap/ and tcase on my jeep so i wont have any money left over. So it will wait tell i come back to salt lake.

don't worry too much about sami if you met him you would question everything about him. :D

Besides he has the unique ability to still walk with his foot in his mouth...:greg:

I'm not worried about him, he doesnt have to see it, or live with it on his body. I think he just went a little over the top. So are you guys saying he has a big mouth? or he is a lot of talk? Either way, i would like to meet him, and i hope i didnt make him mad at me haha if i did, oh well tuff $***


Formerly Beardy McGee
I'm not worried about him, he doesnt have to see it, or live with it on his body. I think he just went a little over the top. So are you guys saying he has a big mouth? or he is a lot of talk? Either way, i would like to meet him, and i hope i didnt make him mad at me haha if i did, oh well tuff $***

Me mad? na... I got decently thick skin to stick around this place since '03 :p


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
no, we're just sayin he has lots to say about a lot of things he really doesn't know anything about. It would be like me having an opinion about the quality and relivance of the lecture from Bishop Bob at the 3rd stakes annual jello-jiggle-off. It doesn't have anything to do with my life so why would I waste time criticizing it?


Who Dares Wins
Yes I know it's there forever, thanks for reminding me. I have wanted this since I was 16. I just never had anyone that could draw it for me. I was going to go to Big Deluxe, they have some good artists there too; but I will look into getting it at one of the places you mentioned. Do you by chance have any addresses for those places? Or where about they are?

Well it probably means nothing to you, and what it means to me is probably pretty cheesy to you. It has a double meaning to it. The balance (scale) is my Astrological symbol, and the snake is my Chinese zodiac sign. The balance represents my life and how I try to live it (if you knew me really well you would understand) and the snake represents me. I think I want it all black and gray with green eyes on the snake.

Keep it to yourself man. You're not the one that has to live with it, and you don't even have too look at it if you don't want to. You're entitled to your opinion, but I think "horrendous" was a little over the top. A friend drew it and the tattoo artist will redraw it to make it look a bit better.

I tried to change it but I don't know if it worked...

That is the thing that will be changed. The "scale" will be straight instead of tipped, thats just something that was her idea, but it will be changed. Any other questions?

Just a few simple corrections, to remind you where that money might be spent instead. ;)
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