The upcoming moto ride/quick report.

Thanks for the report Derek... people have been talking like the snow is close to being gone, but sounds like those areas need another couple weeks.
Last night Harrison and I along with the neighbor and his 14 yr old son headed up Bountiful and rode up Buckland Ridge and Tuttle Loop. Harrison got his butt handed to him up Tuttle. I completely rejetted his carb so at least it is running better now but I am still not getting the Rekluse dialed in yet. Its just seems to locking up too soon. I fiddled with it some and we ran into Stratton and he did some adjusting on it as well.

Harrison is asking if he can redeem himself tonight and hit it again. I am thinking Lewis Peak Trail (above Pineview Res.) if anyone wants to join. I don't know if the snow is off the ridge yet but I guess we will find out.
I didn't get enough on sunday, so I ran back up AF Canyon tonight for a quick ride after work. Up 40 to 157 to 39 to 41. I love having these trails 25 minutes from my house!

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Pushing hard on single track is way different than pushing hard in the desert. I'm down for whatever.

But ut now that we have Thursday figured out, anyone want to do desert on Saturday?