UPDATED: "The old thread about the noob run at Hog Hollow"

it'd be cool if we had an info packet for new members so they could explore what's out there and decide if they want to contribute to any of our causes.
Not only do I plan to bring myself, but I'll invite a customer of mine--I just sold him a stone stock '98 Wrangler Sport and he wants to dip his toe in the 4x4 waters, so to speak. This would be a great introduction for him and a good chance to meet some other local Jeepers as well. Thanks for organizing this trip.

I just had a thought... would it be a great idea to go to all the jeep dealerships and post a flyer about this event and welcome the dealerships to advise the new buys that this would be a great trip to attend to learn about their vehicles... this would give RME some great exposure and show that we are here for the newbies...

Or would this be to big of a deal to handle? Its not like they would really get that many people involved in such a short time frame...
Actually, that's an EXCELLENT idea. We'd want to pick a different trail, where we're 100% sure it's legal (like 5 mile pass), but I think it's an awesome idea.

I don't have time to flyer, but I fully support the idea.
Maybe ask Greg if it would be Okay to start a thread for this run in the "Introduction's and Using The Forum Thread". Or even have a dedicated "Noobie Run" added to the "Upcoming Wheeling Trip's"....That would be pretty Eye Catching to all the new guy's.
I already asked him. Didn't get a reply. maybe we could make it an annual, or semi-annual thing.

I'm glad to see so much support for it though.
I think a "Forrest Lake" run in spring would work great Then you can show people how to to safely cross river's and respect the land and so forth.....Afterward's do a Mineral Basin Run if time allow's But then again AMF is my favorite place to wheel in Northern Utah.
Actually, that's an EXCELLENT idea. We'd want to pick a different trail, where we're 100% sure it's legal (like 5 mile pass), but I think it's an awesome idea.

I don't have time to flyer, but I fully support the idea.

An 'Intro to your Jeep' run would be neat but as soon as its 'organized' be it for profit or not, it very well could be liable for a permit with the BLM if conducted on BLM land. Forest Service has similar restrictions. These permits can often be mitigated through a cooperative agreement with the BLM/FS such as calling it a cleanup or getting a SRP that requires no money exchange. If this is something you or anyone is interested in pursuing I would be happy to walk you through the permit process. I've got a 1/2" thick special recreation permit handbook that I have labored through to figure out all the ins and outs of the process.
I really like where this thread is headed, I am going to try and make it. Let me know if I can help in any way.
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oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that. is there a min size for the group to be considered "organized?"

Yes and no. Each BLM/FS district and in some case each recreation area will have a number that definitely requires a permit, could be 50, 24 or even 10 in some cases. However even smaller groups could need a permit (which in most cases requires insurance) depending on the criteria. These restrictions were heavily tightened following the new RMP's that took place in 6/11 BLM offices in Utah. Their own manual states that even family reunions or scout campouts could need a permit depending on the criteria and how it is organized. To top it off each BLM office has their own interpretation of some SRP guidelines so whats OK in say Moab may not fly in Salt Lake or vice versa. In my experience all of the BLM reps want to work with you and make the process as simple as possible but they have rules to follow. Oh, one more kicker... if it is decided that your event needs a permit, the BLM in particular asks for 180 days to process a permit.
man, what a drag. they make it so complicated. It's discouraging.

I'd be lying if I didn't agree to you. For an individual or small group of friends to go out an recreate, no problemo. Once you start planning, charge money, invite the general public, involve any high risk activities, advertising, instruct, etc... you might need a permit :eek:

I'm working on 3 different event permits right now in 2 different BLM officer, each has their own way of interpreting things and wants different things. In one case we have to identify not only the routes we plan to travel but the routes we will travel in case of emergency, carry toilets, etc, etc, etc. Once it has even a hint of 'organized' or 'commercial' the logistics and planning input grows exponentially. Start involving race cars (baja buggies) and high dollar excursions and things get really involved.

The U4 looked into 'intro to 4x4' class options years ago, they ran into similar roadblocks, insurance, permits, etc not to mention just running the events. Welcome to the new face of public lands. :D

I was working with a client to potentially do some tours or 'jeep rides' in AF Canyon for charge. It obviously needed a permit so I started by calling some of my contacts in the FS office. Due to lack of staff they have a moratorium on new 'outfitter' permits for the area, if you had one before your OK but until they have the manpower to process the permits, no new ones :rolleyes:

Did I mention they can charge for the time it takes them to 'prepare' the permit. Say they have to go out on site and look at the routes you want to run and make sure they are suitable for your plans, they can charge you for that time. There used to be an event in the Mesquite, NV area run by a non-profit LC club in Vegas. The applied for a permit to run their event as they had done many times in years past but under new RMP rules they got a bill for the permit prep, nearly $4k. The event was canceled and has not been run since. :( Say you do get a permit and you charge for the event, they can ask for x% of the net revenue of the event as well as a per/person per/day fee. SITLA, FS and private owners might ask the same. Plan on taking commercial photo or commercial video while on public lands, ie a commercial, movie, calendar shot, even wedding photo... they might want a film/photo permit as well. Again, welcome to public lands.

Run without a permit you say? You could chance it, but I can think of more than one that has been caught including at least one RME member. He received a court citation in the mail after his trip and ended up paying a rather hefty fine. Just last month a group from Colorado was planning an 'expedition' through Utah en route to the Overland Expo in NM, they were charging per rig but only planned to have ~6 rigs in their group ie rather low impact. Well, I'm told they just got a phone call from the BLM asking about permits. :eek: There was a moto club in the Price area that planned a ride, they showed up and were greeted by a BLM ranger that informed them they would receive a ticket if they in deed went out as a un-permitted group. I expect these occurrences to happen more and more as the guidelines become stricter and the budgets of the land managers constricts, permits are an obvious source of revenue.

Sorry to rant but as you can tell I've got a bit of experience with this lately.
man, it's starting to sound like California over here. This is just plain rediculous.

I haven't moved back to CA because of bureaucratic BS like this.

Well, it sounds like I won't be posting up any upcoming wheeling trips anytime soon. I can't afford any fines right now, hefty or not.

Is 5-mile pass BLM land?
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man, it's starting to sound like California over here. This is just plain rediculous.

I haven't moved back to CA because of bureaucratic BS like this.

Its not a state by state issue, its a federal issue. As these new Resource Management Plans get passed, especially during the federal government we have right now, things are really tightening up.

Well, it sounds like I won't be posting up any upcoming wheeling trips anytime soon. I can't afford any fines right now, hefty or not.

Keep in mind there is a big difference between throwing up a post here on RME about a trip some friends are planning versus making fliers and passing them out to Jeep dealerships. Don't get bogged down by the details, go have fun. Just keep in mind that if you take it beyond some friends (forum members) out enjoying some trails you could need a permit. Plan all the trips you want here on RME, if they are free and informal your good to go.

Is 5-mile pass BLM land?

Yes sir, the 5 Mile Pass Recreation Area is part of the BLM's Salt Lake Field Office inventory. Julie P. is the permit coordinator for that area and has been very helpful with 4x4 groups in the past, she has help organize several service projects in the 5MP area as well as the original signs on RS/Con that concluded the car removals in the area.