Welding night!

Jan 17th From what I read on the first page. I would be there if I wasn't having a new born arrive just before it. Maybe next time. I can bring my Hobart 135 flux (has a gas hookup) I would love to go to a intermediate/advanced welding tutorial type class or event. This is a great idea.
This sounds like a fun activity. I have a nice Miller 220 stick welder from my dad that I've never used. I'm okay with a mig. This would be good experience.
Dang...I'd love to get involved in this! I have only used a stick welder a few times...back in 1983. lol! :ugh:
I have a simple project I want to fab up for my trailer (Scepter can holder), but don't have the equipment or experience. Maybe I'll invest after the first of the year as well.

I'm willing to do a one-on-one and help you with your gas can holder if you want.
I'm available this weekend.
Dang, that would be awesome, but I'll be out of town this weekend. I'll hit you up another time soon though! Thanks for the offer!

Sent from my mystical handheld gizmo.
I'm in for a different date and class. I have a 220 Clarke MIG with fluxcore (have the gas kit for it) but I also have an older 110 buzz box that I'd really like to learn to use better...
This isn't my thread but I'll go ahead and bump it to see if anything has changed. With the recent snow I'm betting Dave (MoabCJ5) is out per his earlier post so that leaves the list as below. Anybody else not going to be able to make it?

Josh (obviously)
I picked up a Hobart 190 and got a decent helmet for Christmas and have been trolling the boards finding projects to make while practicing. I'm excited for this class.
The first project I made was a welding cart. It sucked and I tore it apart, and I still have no welding cart.
I have just started the welding merit badge for 4 scouts, its a lot to cram in two sessions, but it helps to have a shop with all the tools so they can see it all first hand instead of me just talking about it and then pulling out a welder and asking them to knock out a "butt" joint and "T" joint..

I am no expert but the boy scout welding merit badge book has a lot of great info.
I just ran 11 scouts through their merit badge requirements.
Some thoughts on the process..

  • Max two scouts per session:
    • Any more and it gets hard to get a view
    • If they couldn't see they lost focus
    • If they lost focus, I had to repeat what I said a lot
    • With two scouts, we could do the welds and try stick and plasma within 2-1/2 hrs.
  • Protective gear:
    • Safety glasses worn at all times
    • Ear protection if we are grinding
    • If it's glowing, it's hot. If it's not glowing, it's still probably hot
    • Make sure everyone is ready for you to strike an arc by calling out "eyes" then waiting for everyone to respond
    • Kids and some adults have no concept of "Non-Flammable". Keep some long-sleeve cotton shirts on hand to cover up synthetics and skin.
  • Processes:
    • The learning curve is steep on stick and it took too long to do the required joints
    • MIG was much faster so we settled on that (but let them try stick when we finished the badge requirements)
    • The MIG gun on my MM252 is a bit large for some of the kids
    • I demonstrated TIG but didn't offer to let them try (huge learning curve)
    • Plasma cutting is "Totally Awesome"
  • Some of these guys are short:
    • A couple of them had trouble getting the right MIG gun angle on my high table on flat welds
    • For the padded beads and butt joints I rigged up a 45* fixture to hold the work that solved the problem. Fillets and T's are already at 45*
  • Cutting all the pieces was a pain:
    • I cobbled together a cutting guide for my plasma cutter and it got better
    • Had suggested to the scout leader to contact a couple metal suppliers to see if they would put together pre-cut kits but he never did
  • The variation in innate skill was interesting:
    • Some kids could lay a perfectly shaped bead
    • Some kids could lay a perfectly straight bead
    • 1 kid could do neither
    • 1 kid could do both
  • For Next time:
    • Try to get pictures of each kid while welding (need the scout leader to do this) cause what kid wouldn't want a picture of himself doing this:
    • try to get a steel supplier to step up and put together a kit. The James F Lincoln foundation offers kits for a reasonable price http://www.jflfoundation.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=44 but shipping kills. (they need to use flat rate boxes, SWAG offroad could teach them a thing or two)
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I'll have my 250 mig. Kevin will bring his stick welder. And I think someone was bringing a 120v wire feed. Those are the three I'd like to have anyways. Everyone is welcome to bring their welders though. My outlets for 220 are 50 amp. If you have a 30 amp plug you will need an adapter to plug it into my outlets. I will likely only be able to run one 220v machine at a time as my outlets run off the same breaker. I have two 20 amp outlets that could run the smaller welders though.

Can I get a current list of those who are still planning on coming on Saturday at 10am? I'll send out my address towards the end of the week.
I'll be there. Dumb question, what's the difference between a 30 amp plug and a 50 amp plug? I have no idea which one I have, it's got three vertical blades and a round post.
Wow, that's a lot of plugs.

The plug on my stick welder is the 14-50. Will that work at your place, Josh?
Mine is the 6-50 plug shown on the chart. I'm surprised that you have a 14-50. Did it come that way? I think that's a dryer plug. I believe mine is the more common plug found on welding machines. All the single phase welders I've used, as well as plasma cutters have this same plug. I was more worried that someone would have the crows foot plug (10-50).
That's how I got it from Davy, yeah. It's the same thing Bret has on his big MIG, so I assumed that was normal.

I can't afford an adapter. It'd be no big deal for me to unwire my receptacle and schlep it along, do you want me to do that?