What trails do you want to complete in the next 2 years?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious in hearing where everyone plans on going wheeling in the next two years.

Here's my list:
- some of the mild trails in Delta
- Vernal trails
- Price Trails (the mellow ones)
- Pony Express Trail all the way to Wendover in the winter
- West side of Utah: Wendover to St. George
- Kokopelli Trail
- Tusher Tunnel
- moab rim
- all the easy trails in the Wells Moab book.


Well-Known Member
Sandy, Utah
I also want to do the easy trails in Moab. I have done most of the hard ones, so it's time to see the chill ones. Pony express would be a fun one as well.

I have never head of some of the others you mentioned.

I would also like to check out the trails on St. George.


Sandy, Ut
Canning Stock Route - ✓
Utah Converse (4 to 3) on a dirtbike
Utah Traverse
Utah Inverse
Circumnavigate Utah
Finish Vegas to Reno race - ✓
Finish Baja 1000 race - ✓
Jarbidge, NV has been on my hitlist for years - ✓
I would like to do a SLC to So.Lake Tahoe on the PET again
Gold Pass/Atlantic City, Wyoming - ✓
Butch Cassidy/Outlaw chasing
Africa - ✓
Mint 400 race & finish
Desert race on my dirtbike
Everett Ruess hunting
Circumnavigate Utah
SLC to So.Lake Tahoe on the PET
Henry's exploring
La Sal's exploring
AFC research weekend
South America - ✓

Cruise Moab
Relic Run
Retro Ramble - ✓
Outlaws Run
Fall Trip
Freeze Your Tail Off
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Well-Known Member
Sandy, Utah
Canning Stock Route
Utah Converse (4 to 3) on a dirtbike
Utah Traverse
Utah Inverse
Circumnavigate Utah
Finish Vegas to Reno race
Finish Baja 1000 race
Jarbidge, NV has been on my hitlist for years
I would like to do a SLC to So.Lake Tahoe on the PET again
Gold Pass/Atlantic City, Wyoming
Butch Cassidy/Outlaw chasing

That is a slick list. Count me in on some/most of them if you go! (hope that is not too forward or what have you)


Well-Known Member
black bear, imogene, engineer, southern Colorado.
would love to visit Alaska and wheel.
kane creek in Moab.
finish pritchett canyon. That trail has had my number the last two times out.



Well-Known Member
Do you have any approximate timeframe you are thinking for this?

Nope. I'd love to have you and frieed along, so let me know what month/time works well for you. I haven't even begun to map out the route. I plan on learning a lot from this trip next weekend, then I'll have a better idea of how to plan that one.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I would say late spring, fall or perhaps winter if the snow isn't piled up would be best. My late spring is already filling up fast. Early spring can be sketchy. I know firsthand that some of the more obscure routes through there can be nightmares of mud in the early spring. And it's just pain hot in the summer. Although, summer is when I usually have the most free time, too.

We ought to get it done.



Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
Yah, I'm all over this.
It'd have to be spring for me... I'm burning all vacation time this year what with the Yellowstone Trip last July, then next week I'm going to the Bighorn Mts for a week ( just looked, this past Sat. was 2 below and 2 in of snow, brrrrrr), and then we're driving to Louisiana and Texas for Christmas and New Years...


Sandy, Ut
...I need to hook up with this group, it sounds fun.

They are a great group of guys and I enjoy getting out with them each year for the Outlaws Run and a few other smaller ones each year too. They are all predominately members of the Rising Sun 4x4 Club in Denver and we've become good pals after a dozen or so trips all over the west the last 5 years.

..I'm also thinking about joining Wasatch Cruisers this year, they seem to have some cool runs, and it'd be nice not to plan every trip I take next year.

For sure, in fact both you and Trevor should. Look at it this way, it costs $25/year but gets you a discount at Toyota, tech nights, social nights, and an invitation to wheel on some really neat trips they plan each year including Cruise Moab, Swell, Skyline, Rubicon, etc.

That is a slick list. Count me in on some/most of them if you go! (hope that is not too forward or what have you)

Keep your eye on ExpeditionUtah as many of these trips or at least those planning them are members there and invitations often come from within ;)


Once I get my new rig lifted, Id like to complete .
Pony Exspress w/ the teardrop
Around Great salt lake, Lucin , sun tunnels, ect
Top of the world (moab)
dead horse point confluence
Golden spike (maybe)
Skyline drive

Short list so far.
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Sandy, Ut
Seeing ModStock's list reminded me of the 'regulars' I do each year, the 'Freeze Your Tail Off' around the lake, the Relic Run which has a 5 year anniversary this coming year :cool: And a few other 'novelty' runs along those lines.


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
steve is this realistic or is it like dream trails.. i'll do a realistic list and wait tell i hear back from you

hanging tree
smashing pumpkins
coyote canyon
21 road
boulder canyon
delta trails

Log canyon( planned trip october 19th 2012)
the pickle
mineral basin, forest lake, mary ellens gulch
maybe the rim with you? but i think with no locker and such a heavy rig i'd be slowing you down
kane creek
poison spider/golden spike/i cant remeber the other one that is part of that trail gold bar rim?
metal masher
lots of 1 or 2 night camping trips.. not ready for the long haul expo stuff yet
more of the easy moab stuff i never got to see because my buggy wasn't street legal
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Well-Known Member
it's realistic. The goal is to get out your calendar, plan a time for each trail, and make it actually happen, rather than dream about it. :)

The next thread following this should be an "upcoming wheeling trip" thread, where you plan these out and make sure they actually happen. Wanting to wheel a trail and actually wheeling it are two very different things. :)
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Well-Known Member
My driveway is a formidable obstacle of late. Then I can conquer getting on the trailer? One thing at a time?
this is where I am at, any trail would be nice, but just getting onto the trailer seemed tough, guess I need to tune the propane system


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
it's realistic. The goal is to get out your calendar, plan a time for each trail, and make it actually happen, rather than dream about it. :)

The next thread following this should be an "upcoming wheeling trip" thread, where you plan these out and make sure they actually happen. Wanting to wheel a trail and actually wheeling it are two very different things. :)

i added and easy realistic one.. and a planned date to the list.. that way i will hopefully be able to say i did atleast 1 of the trails on my list :)