Why does RME have a negative reputation?


Active Member
Fruit Heights Ut
Shawn said:
One time I heard the reason some don't like RME is because of all the bickering..... Well..... I guess this thread proves them wrong... :ugh:
What internet forum doesn't have that though? RME might have a little more because its not vehicle or jeep specific but there isn't an internet forum out there that doesn't have lots of bickering.


one small mod at a time
Medsker said:
True or not I'm using this to get new tires out of my wife :D

And his tires on the Pinz were dumb, at that. Like a BFG, not All Terrain TA, but I think Trailrunner TA had a more aggressive pattern?

Might be able to find the article online, The Idaho Stateman, Local section, page 2


Bald Guy
As a newcomer ~a month, I think the monthly set run, BBQ, and such are superb ideas. Helps people feel they are part of a group, and we all like to be a part of the group...Also, the fighting (like in this thread) is what turned me off about it...see the thread about "Quotes on gear and locker installs" in technical articles and you will see...Other people I showed that to agreed it was a bit harsh for a site that is all about having a good time (i.e. wheelin!)
Just by one-tenth of a cent


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DrMoab said:
BS! Total BS! You have never seen me post anything of the sort! Not here, and not on any other forum.

woops, already called on on that one. Nice try sport.

My best friend has a buggy, I have said I have wheeled with many guys who own buggies and don't have anything against anyone who does.

High five. I'm one of the main organizers of the largest Grand Cherokee event in the world. Does it matter?

What I do have a problem with is assholes who own buggies who also treat others who don't like crap!

an asshole is an asshole. Unfortunately, there is just as many assholes who drive XJ's, CJ's, and Paseo's.

Cody I don't know you but after what you wrote you are sounding more and more like one of these types!

Thats ok, I don't want to wheel with people who think their brand of fourwheeling is better than someone elses.

You really want to know who is ruining the sport that I and most of you love? Its the jerks who build rigs that think that because they can go anywhere do so. I don't care if its a dude in a buggy, a guy in a Ford Highboy or someone in a Rubicon that because the salesman in the dealership said it will go anywhere thinks he can take it there.

We partially agree, with the exception that your 2nd sentance would lead me to believe you hold a certain negative predisposition towards those that 'build rigs that think they can go anywhere" so is it people who build rigs that think they can go anywhere, or people that go and buy rigs but don't know anything about responsible land use? Or drunken rednecks. Two incomplete premises exist in your statement.

I did not call anyone out on this board over that! I never said anyone on RME is even that way!

never said you did, and I and everyone else welcome and enjoy your comments and insight.

If you could get over your dumb ass Johny Knocksville lookalike self you might be able to see that I was actually standing up for RME and the people here not puting them down.

Do you want my lunch money? Not putting them down (or taking immature cheap shots because your logic is built on fallacious logic and ideology?)

If you really think that I think just because you own a buggy you are out destroying the land you honestly do not have a clue about the way I feel.

thats the way you are coming off. I don't claim to know how you feel, but you apparently are having a difficult time communicating your true viewpoint. Maybe stick with one, and go from there.

I have said time and again there is a certian GROUP OF BUGGY OWNERS that are like this. Not once have I ever made the statement that ALL buggy owners are this way. Thats just stupid!

Agreed. It's just the 'young stupid buggy owners'. I'm young, pretty stupid, drive a rig that can be considred a 'buggy'. Am I giving the sport a bad name? What about the guys I followed up Upper Helldorado in built YJ's and CJ's (not buggy like at all--just trail rigs) who were tossing their beer cans. They were older (45-65), drove non buggies, and had a terrible impact. I think fundamentally we agree here, but you're just having a difficult time seperating your angst towards the tube folk from what you know is a more correct standpoint.

No one here can not tell me that there isn't a certian group that gives off the preception that the extreme rock crawling crowd is just a bunch of beer drinking, partying,leave there trash all over the place and don't give a sh!t about anything type of people.

Yup, your right. And its people like us that need to make that image better.

But to get back on topic....I really don't see that here! This was the whole point I was trying to make in my first post. Just that there are those types out there and because a lot of them drive buggies and there are lots of guys here who compete and drive buggies for recreational purposes that they can get grouped in together and thats not fair to RME.

True. I hate to sound like the asshole in this thread, but I told myself a long time ago that if I saw someone irresponsibly using the land, or holding an attitude that I thought was destructive towards our sport and purpose, I would say something. We have to self enforce or we stand no chance. We have to stand united, or we will loose what we have left. We have to present a better image to the media as you said. The only solution in my eyes is self enforcement and a aggressive campaign to teach responsible land use to all people that choose to use the land.



Active Member
Fruit Heights Ut
Cody said:
an asshole is an asshole. Unfortunately, there is just as many assholes who drive XJ's, CJ's, and Paseo's.

Thats ok, I don't want to wheel with people who think their brand of fourwheeling is better than someone elses.
Do you really think I think my "brand" of wheeling is better then anyone elses?
Care to explain what "brand" of wheeling I do? Do you even know?
I will tell you...in fact I think I have stated it before in this thread, I will wheel with anyone anytime anywhere. I love everything from 2WD sightseeing to anything as hardcore as my rig will handle.

We partially agree, with the exception that your 2nd sentance would lead me to believe you hold a certain negative predisposition towards those that 'build rigs that think they can go anywhere" so is it people who build rigs that think they can go anywhere, or people that go and buy rigs but don't know anything about responsible land use? Or drunken rednecks. Two incomplete premises exist in your statement.
I have no negative predisposition to any group of wheelers. I do however have a total negative predispostion to a certian type of wheeler

I can't stand anyone who looks down on another group. I own an XJ. I mostly wheel with an XJ group. I would never...ever in a million years though tell someone they weren't welcome to wheel with me because they drive X or Y.

I guess what I should have said is drunken rednecks in buggies and I only said that because it seems to me...like I have said a hundred times before...the group right now thats getting the most attention. If the world was looking at rednecks in fullsize trucks I would pick on them too.

Do you want my lunch money? Not putting them down (or taking immature cheap shots because your logic is built on fallacious logic and ideology?)
What ideology are you speaking of? You claim to be an asshole about things you feel are important to you...I think you and I are on the same page about what is important to us. So does that mean that because you drive a tubed out ZJ and I drive a built up untubed XJ that are core beliefs are diffrent? I doubt it...I would bet to sit down and drink a beer together we would agree on most issues more then we would disagree.

thats the way you are coming off. I don't claim to know how you feel, but you apparently are having a difficult time communicating your true viewpoint. Maybe stick with one, and go from there.
I said it in the other post. I could have came off better but I don't retract what I said because I think the points still valid. I regret not making a bigger issue of exactly which group of people I was talking about but still, the point is the same.

Agreed. It's just the 'young stupid buggy owners'. I'm young, pretty stupid, drive a rig that can be considred a 'buggy'. Am I giving the sport a bad name? What about the guys I followed up Upper Helldorado in built YJ's and CJ's (not buggy like at all--just trail rigs) who were tossing their beer cans. They were older (45-65), drove non buggies, and had a terrible impact. I think fundamentally we agree here, but you're just having a difficult time seperating your angst towards the tube folk from what you know is a more correct standpoint.
I have no angst against the "tube folk" it would be hypicritical of me to be that way because if I didn't have a family or if I had more money there would be no question...I would own some type of tube frame vehicle.

And no...I am not Jelous. I am perfectly happy to wheel what I own.

Yup, your right. And its people like us that need to make that image better.
100% agree.

True. I hate to sound like the asshole in this thread, but I told myself a long time ago that if I saw someone irresponsibly using the land, or holding an attitude that I thought was destructive towards our sport and purpose, I would say something. We have to self enforce or we stand no chance. We have to stand united, or we will loose what we have left. We have to present a better image to the media as you said. The only solution in my eyes is self enforcement and a aggressive campaign to teach responsible land use to all people that choose to use the land.

I also hate to sound like an asshole and as I have stated before if anyone took it personally that I was comming after them because they drive a buggy...I didn't want it to sound that way.

I just see a certian group of people out there doing a lot to destroy what little gains we as a 4wd community have gathered.


Registered User
Shawn said:
One time I heard the reason some don't like RME is because of all the bickering..... Well..... I guess this thread proves them wrong... :ugh:
This is one reason I dont come here anymore. You get debates on plenty of other forums, but people on here tend to be much more confrontational..willing to start an online fight than than a debate. I see lots of thread hijacks where 2 or 3 people will start bickering on here. Dont see that on other forums other than pirate. When people on here debate it seems like they are just trying to 'shout-over' the other person and talk down to them. It doesnt ever feel like a debate, but people just trying to 'dis' on eachothers opinions and feelings.

rockdog said:
I don't like getting bashed by someone I don't know. But your always gonna have people who do that on any public forum. Maybe check your ego at the door when you enter might be a good rule to live by. Everyone starts in this hobby at some point and most won't start with a built rig. Nice to be on a forum where a guy can ask about his dana 35 and not get bashed. ;)

Mr.Chevy said:
When I started here on RME I was dogged on by some other members and from that time I really don’t post that much any more. Not that many people on here know me and the few that do, or I think they do, just dog on me. I would love to post more on here but every thing I say just must come out wrong. I try and start a new post and nothing happens or it gets taken over or I get dogged on for spelling “the” wrong. Don’t get me all wrong I like RME but just as a lurker I wish I could post more but I just fill that I will ether get dogged on or what I have to say on the matter doesn’t even help.

Getting bashed on and dogged on or 'ribbed' is another reason I dont come on here(not that I get it much, but I get sick of seeing it done to others)people on here have the attitude 'oh, whats a little ribbing?'..well to the thick skinned, its just that, a little ribbing. To the new people that may have never been on an internet forum, or may have been on a friendlier forum, this is just flat out unwelcoming. When I see a thread from a new person asking a very simple question or one that has been answered a million times, and then get a sarcastic 'ribbing/dogging' reply on every 3rd or 4th post to the thread, its no wonder they dont feel welcome. There are some on here that think ribbing is OK and that it happens on all forums. I am here to say that it does not. This BBS and Pirate are the only 2 forums that I am a member of that I see people ribbing newbies and bashing on other people (whether it was meant as a joke or not). Ribbing? what are we a bunch of highschool jocks? I thought most of us were adults.
jmaxj said:
greg, i used to enjoy getting on RME, and i've been a member for awhile, but lately (past few months or so) it seems like if you don't have a buggy you arn't "cool", thats how most i have talked to including myself feel about RME nowdays. granted i've been on runs, met some great people but most i have met lately (and yes they have buggies) act like they are better than everyone else out on the trail and ALOT of people don't care for that crap esspecially when your out to have a good time.
Geepfreak said:
I will agree with jmaxj, I have been on a couple of runs with guys from RME and agree to the fact of "buggies and 38's, or your not welcome" attitude, the last run I was on, left early because of the Hollier than tho attitude. I would rather spend my time on other boards than here, because it's ok to run 31's and 3 inches of lift on a d30, without having chromo shafts and ctm, or why spend the money for that,, you just need a D60..

Another reason for not coming here anymore except for luking on occasion. I dont neccesarily see it as a buggy thing, but the people with built rigs do tend to give off the 'i'm better than you' attitude(this is NOT exclusive to RME, but does happen on RME). I remember a few years back when people thought it was cool if you could get a stock or slightly modified rig through a hard trail with nothing but a highlift and some excelent driving and they welcomed you on their trail ride. The attitude now seems to be 'oh great, a stock rig..there goes the day'..this makes it difficult for people in stock or slightly modified vehicles to have fun. It woudl be better if people on here gave some encouragement and said 'go for it, and live with the body damage' and let the stockers make up their own minds rather than putting them down.

Lastly, people on here to seem to let vehicle brands get in the way(more so on the trail then on the forum). I get sick of hearing comments on the trail to ditch this part or that part and get a jeep or a toyota or a fullsize..whatever it may be...They act like you arent welcome if you dont have their brand. I've noticed the higher dollar vehicle drivers tend to me worse at this than the lower dollar ones(seen lots of people with something like a landcruiser-not to single out landcruiser because it happens with all types of vehicles- telling someone to get rid of their blazer and get something that can really wheel)....Not saying that everyone is like this because I wheel with a pretty diverse group of guys(toyotas, jeeps, suzukis&mitsubishis)..but I do see it happen...maybe this is just another form of ribbing, or maybe people just get overly optimistic about their 'brand'. Regardless it certainly makes people feel unwelcome. I havent heard that sort of comment very many times on RME runs, but have been down in moab and heard it from people that I know are RME because I recognize their vehicles/faces even if I cant remember their names.


Registered User
People seem to think that all that stuff I listed above happens on other boards and forums and this board and pirate are the only 2 that I have seen do it(and i'm a member of quite a few boards). Of course, Greg, you probably cant fix any of this because it all comes down to peoples attitudes, but you wanted to know why RME sometimes has a negative impression,
As far as constructive Ideas so i'm not just griping here,. I really like the idea of a monthly get together or BBQ so the jerks can be sorted out from the nice guys(the jerks tend to stand out more on the board since their comments are offensive..it takes 10 good comments to erase one bad one). Also I think the negativity around RME would change if the moderators removed thread hijacks and sarcastic replies out of the tech forum, trip forums and landuse forums(the landuse one is important because to SUWA it looks like we are a bunch of unorganized bickering children and they can use that to discredit anything we try and do...it just flat-out looks bad to outsiders and would look much better if any of our landuse conversations, even the heated ones, had the sarcastic replyes left out), and left the sarcastic comments for the chit chat forum. As one person posted, you get only 1 bad person out of many...but if those bad folks keep posting over and over(because they think its funny or are just jerks)it will help to limit their replys to the chit chat forum so the rest of the board doesnt get the impression of being jerks(since as stated they will stand out more than the nice guys)


I run a tight ship... wreck
I think honestly POR set the standard for how people who wheel, play on the 'net.

Somehow, even though RME is completley diffrent, the same attitudes show up here and are passed aound. The mods & I have done our best, but there's only so much we can do. The rest of the feel comes from the members, the most vocal members making the biggest impressions.

Now I have no problem with opened, logical debate, but when members start harassing others and making personal attacks, then it's gone too far. Call it fun or just messing around, but it causes trouble. I've had an advertiser who didn't want to continue advertising because how the members on here treated each other! That's how bad it has been!!

Eventually it causes trouble for me because if potential advertisers are being turned away, how can I continue to fianance the forum? All the negativity needs to be curbed. Harrassing new members or members with low post counts needs to stop. Personal attacks need to stop. If you can't handle that, go somewhere else where that crap is welcomed. -_-


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well, as long as you don't play x-box, computer games, drive a suzuki or toyota, read harry potter, or not like buggies, we'll get along fine ;)


James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
RockMonkey said:
I rarely post much tech or product information because it doesn't seem like very many people care. Anyone else kinda get that vibe? :confused:

you have to post it in order for us to care....right?

Isn't the whole point to post tech and or reports on products for others to see.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Hickey said:
I think you are oversensitive. I for one, would complain if there were a bunch of XJ's in front of me on Rocker Knocker. I would also complain if there were a bunch of TJ's, Land Rovers, or Scouts. Nobody likes to wait for a big group.

Did you try to associate with those evil buggy guys? How did you know they were from RME?

second...................I hate waiting :mad: I go to wheel not wait. I don't care who's in front...........and yes its been buggies too :p

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
I have actually met a lot of people from RME, be it by selling or buying parts, wheeling or lunch.........and I must say I like about 95% of the people I have met here. The other 5% I don't really give a ****.

There is one fact that has been missed here...............WE ALL DON'T HAVE TO LIKE EACH OTHER.

different views is what keeps life interesting.

ask youself do you really care if everybody likes you?.......cause I don't :p