Why does RME have a negative reputation?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
This has proven to be an interesting thread. {This might appear to be a little on the 'whiny' side, but I'm out of editing time and need to get back to a server installation.} I've been away for the weekend and am just kinda catching up. From what I've read, it seems there's a lot of 'advice' given from "less active" RME members and I'd like to have them elaborate on specific items. It seems some people would like a very professional, dry board and others want a place to b!tch about whatever they feel has wronged them. I think most of us want something in between, while we try to keep it 4WD related.

For example: Shmoesmith has a pretty well thought out response, but I'd love to see a specific examples of what he's calling 'under-moderated' threads.
While TV-Larsen mentions that the site is 'over-moderated'...............kind of puts a moderator in a connundrum, eh? (Not trying to pick on anyone, just citing what I'm remembering reading) Trying to improve my responses to two issues.........help me out, please. Whenever there's an issue, if people could quote or give specifics, a moderator or other knowledgable party could address specific issues. I ALWAYS respond to my PM pretty quickly (I'm in front of a computer for at least 10-12 hours per day-----sometimes able to to respond, sometimes not) and I believe the other mods do also. We've worked through more than a few things in the past and only asked a few members to leave.........(and some just keep hanging around after dismissal despite the fact they think they're pulling the wool over our eyes. When they slip up, we dismiss them again.....)

To speak only for myself on the moderation issues......... Do YOU have time and energy to read EVERY thread and EVERY response to every thread the second it is posted??? Honestly, we could do a better job as moderators, but ALL of us have real jobs and real lives....... We do make mistakes as a group, but overall, I think we keep the board a decent place, fairly close to the intended purpose. Basicly, the only person I try to please is me. My interpretation of Greg's mission statement. There are a lot of 'jabs' at various people and vehicles and for the most part, we have to assume that they are good natured. We do read everything that's posted (no matter how painful that is at times)

It seems like people are interested in the 'tech' section of the website (I've read that in at least 5 posts. Post up some tech. Nobody's stopping you.......... I've got a couple of half done things I'd like to put up, but have been trying to get other things accomplished with my rig (making it drive would be SWEET) rather than write stuff)

Summary: The board is what YOU make it. Not what the moderators or owner makes it. We can only help to 'shape' the overall thread or forum. If you're not fond of the the BB, take a look at your own posts and start treating other people like you'd like to be treated and posting what you'd like to see more of. Other people might be interested in the exact same things.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
mbryson said:
Summary: The board is what YOU make it. Not what the moderators or owner makes it. We can only help to 'shape' the overall thread or forum. If you're not fond of the the BB, take a look at your own posts and start treating other people like you'd like to be treated and posting what you'd like to see more of. Other people might be interested in the exact same things.

words to live by people, words to live by.

ok maybe not to live by but certainly away to approach the BB :greg:


Registered User
mbryson said:
For example: Shmoesmith has a pretty well thought out response, but I'd love to see a specific examples of what he's calling 'under-moderated' threads.
While TV-Larsen mentions that the site is 'over-moderated'...............kind of puts a moderator in a connundrum, eh?.
One example was the gear thread (already cited, but I dont think it was linked)


another example(and i'm guilty of being an ass myself in this thread and taking it off topic..but it was only a bad reaction to other peoples comments -and it was a bad reaction)


In BOTH of these threads, if a moderater had edited out the comments that werent tech or in direct answer or discussion to the orginal question, it would have made for a much better thread. You wouldnt have delete the entire comment, just the part that wasnt tech related....For example in the tracker thread I called some people fu*ktards because I was angry that they were giving such rude and sarcastic replys to this guys legit question. Which of course was said cause I was mad and shouldnt have been said. The rest of my post was all legit tech about where to go for a lift, and an alternative to the linked vendors. If a moderator had taken out the initial sarcastic replys, I wouldnt have been so angry and posted my as*hole reply. Or if the moderator had deleted my rude comments and only left my tech advise, this wouldnt have started addt'l arguing within the thread. Also, if I hadnt seen previous sarcastic replys in other threads, I probably wouldnt have been so irritated by those replys in tthe tracker thread...but I had seen plenty of sarcastic replies and I did lash out...it wasnt right, and I wish it and the other sarcastic replys were modded out so when somone goes to search on 'how to lift a tracker' they dont have to sort through a bunch of bullsh*t to get the info they need.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
shmoesmith said:
..... and I wish it and the other sarcastic replys were modded out so when somone goes to search on 'how to lift a tracker' they dont have to sort through a bunch of bullsh*t to get the info they need.

You can always edit your own past posts, too. Moderate yourself if you see you've done something you don't agree with. :)


Well-Known Member
Logan, Utah
Mbryson, when I said that I felt the board was over-moderated, I meant no criticism of anybody. I fully understand how difficult a moderators job can be, I moderate a board with over 11k members. I would suggest that you continue doing what ever you feel is appropriate, you can't please everybody. On the board I moderate, when people complain about under-moderation, I encourage the users to use the "report to moderator" link and let us know about the problem posts. Like you said, you can't read everything. I simply feel that the "delete" button is used far too liberally on RME, but that's just my opnion, that doesn't mean you have to change anything.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
shmoesmith said:
...........another example(and i'm guilty of being an ass myself in this thread and taking it off topic..but it was only a bad reaction to other peoples comments -and it was a bad reaction)


OK....that's a PERFECT example of what I'm having a hard time with. I kinda like 'zuks (I don't see myself owning one, but they're interesting) and was kinda interested to see where that one went. There are some 'zuks out there and I'd like them to be more active on the board, but they're not.

That whole thread is about 6 hours old before you go postal. I remember reading that thread early one morning and wondering what (if anything) I should do with it. The only real 'derogatory' posts are by Cody and OneTuff....(and we all know they are @ssholes :D) early on. The rest are caused by your reaction to two insignificant posts that add NOTHING to the subject.

You throw down the gauntlet at 11 pm, responding that a Tracker can actually wheel (and we all know that with the proper mods, they'd probably out maneuver most of our Jeeps and Toyotas). If you read that thread at at 6 am and you were a mod, what would you do? (because I had something to do that evening rather than be a mod)

Honestly, I also didn't thoroughly read through your post as it's kind of hard to follow. {(constructive criticism intended in the nicest possible way :D) Some punctation and paragraphs would be AWESOME! I'm not an English grad or anything, but your post is kinda hard to read, right? If I get my feathers ruffled like that, I type a big response down in Word, notepad, whatever, and edit it into something that people can read and get your point.}........ You have some valid points now that I've read your thread and probably some good advice (again, I'm a 'zuk-tard, so I don't know).

To me everything above is just poking fun at the Tracker. They can wheel and in certain circumstances will definitely outperform bigger/longer vehicles. I think we all know that. Immediately above your post, Jim steps in with some (at least what I perceive to be good advice--I'm not real 'zuk knowledgeable, but I know Jim is) advice and I'm thinking the thread is turning constructive.

Also the deleted post below yours (MaxPower) speaks well about the platform. (posted at 1 am---I'm not sure when it was deleted)

shmoesmith said:
In BOTH of these threads, if a moderater had edited out the comments that werent tech or in direct answer or discussion to the orginal question, it would have made for a much better thread. You wouldnt have delete the entire comment, just the part that wasnt tech related....For example in the tracker thread I called some people fu*ktards because I was angry that they were giving such rude and sarcastic replys to this guys legit question. Which of course was said cause I was mad and shouldnt have been said. The rest of my post was all legit tech about where to go for a lift, and an alternative to the linked vendors. If a moderator had taken out the initial sarcastic replys, I wouldnt have been so angry and posted my as*hole reply. Or if the moderator had deleted my rude comments and only left my tech advise, this wouldnt have started addt'l arguing within the thread. Also, if I hadnt seen previous sarcastic replys in other threads, I probably wouldnt have been so irritated by those replys in tthe tracker thread...but I had seen plenty of sarcastic replies and I did lash out...it wasnt right, and I wish it and the other sarcastic replys were modded out so when somone goes to search on 'how to lift a tracker' they dont have to sort through a bunch of bullsh*t to get the info they need.

You do wheel a 'zuk (OK a Geo, but we all know it's really a 'zuk). Thick skin should be required (kinda like my experience with my XJ ?). If we as mods were to go through all the posts and edit out any sarcasm, wouldn't that make the board just a little stale (not to mention the time it would take us--it's not like we're getting paid the big $$$$ to be a mod (BTW, Greg, I've missed my check the past month, come to think of it, the past few years.....:D)? I kind of liked it when people gave the XJ platform sh!t and I showed up the next weekend and ran a trail with them. Kinda the ultimate 'quiet' put-down, eh (unless I busted one of those puny D30 axleshafts)? I used it for motivation, maybe you could too?

On the interweb, I find it wise to ASSUME that someone is just giving your or your rig sh!t............it's easier that way......and if they're really criticising the rig/you...... who cares?

I find that thread somewhat schitzophrenic, it started off kind of rocky and dumb, but it started getting some interesting topics going as Jim chimed in. If your comments were supportive and factual, I think it could have turned into a great thread (and honestly it's not that bad if you just ignore the personal inferences after your post).........it's hard to moderate 'flow'..............I still don't know if I should have moderated that thread.

The most valuable thing about that thread is Ken admits he's an @ss.

tv_larsen said:
Mbryson, when I said that I felt the board was over-moderated, I meant no criticism of anybody. I fully understand how difficult a moderators job can be, I moderate a board with over 11k members. I would suggest that you continue doing what ever you feel is appropriate, you can't please everybody. On the board I moderate, when people complain about under-moderation, I encourage the users to use the "report to moderator" link and let us know about the problem posts. Like you said, you can't read everything. I simply feel that the "delete" button is used far too liberally on RME, but that's just my opnion, that doesn't mean you have to change anything.

Hey, thanks for posting.......:D No worries. Criticism is cool.....esp. when it can be discussed rather than responded too. "Report to Moderator" is a cool link:D I get a nice tidy e-mail (even if I am building a server, on a tech call, or simply out to lunch or something....I can find a minute to check the link out within an hour or two--by then another mod will have taken care of the issue {at least normally}) and a link to the thread in question. Sometimes we just leave the thread........but it's good to know it's a concern to you. If I have time, I try to keep the 'reporter' informed of what we are going to be doing with his report. They are appreciated, but we don't always agree with why they were reported and sometimes don't do anything about it.

I think we as a group try NOT to "delete" things.....makes things way interesting at times if we do. We've even went as far as restoring deleted threads and 'blending' them within a related thread. We do 'prune' and edit some things, but try to keep the original text in tact in an area where 'non-mods' can't see things, but other mods can review our actions. If one of us disagrees with the way the other mod has taken action, it gets discussed. (unfortunately, not ultra-quickly, but usually with 24 hours or so)

(you'll still get sh!t from me for living in Cache Valley, but that's just because I wish I'd never left :D and I'm jealous that you are there---the Dodge thing......well, we'll let that go....:D)


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
I Lean said:
You can always edit your own past posts, too. Moderate yourself if you see you've done something you don't agree with. :)

What...babysit yourself..comeon that's asking a lot :D


I didn't mean to do that!
[QUOTE=Greg]I think honestly POR set the standard for how people who wheel, play on the 'net.


I think you are unfairly compairing yourself to a website that caters to the "elite". I personally don't care what you drive. If your Yugo can go where you point it withour tearing up or blocking the trail, or endangering yours or some elses safety, then bring it out and lets go wheeling!

The "buggy crowd" or the "stocker crowd" is an unfair segregation. Most of us build our vehicles for our skill level. If the "buggy crowd" gets "holier than thou" then thats their problem, they can go out with the crowd that makes them feel "special"! I have spent the last 10 years building my truck to take on different stages of my abilities.

I wheeled with a group when I first came back to Utah, there were a couple of closer to stock vehicles and a couple of not so stock vehicles. The difference was: when we got to a point in the trail where the closer to stock vehicles were having issues, both of them opted out on going further and rode or hiked the rest of the the trail.

I gained alot of respect for both of those guys. (If they want to chime in they can) They know who they are.

The funny thing is, when we arrived at WW, an old man walked up without spinning a tire in a 32" tired XJ, but 2 heavily modified trail rigs couldn't make it. I actually flopped trying.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I ignore people if I get crap on this board ( I get very little). If I want abuse, I go to Pirate. It's a persoanal choice.

You shouldn't have to police adults!!!!!!

Harrassing new members or members with low post counts needs to stop. Personal attacks need to stop.[/QUOTE]

If this is a huge concern, remove post counts. I don't care how many post counts you have. Being new on a board doesn't mean you are new to wheeling!

I like this board and there is some good info out here. Don't worry about what others are saying, remember your members that are sticking by the board.

I hope I don't offend anybody because that is not my intention, and this is just my opinion.

Thanks for the hard work you and your Mods do.



Registered User
I'M NEW!!!!
and I have never felt bad about posting here. it's a great board with tons of great info.
in fact thanks for letting me hang out here.


Registered User
O.K. holy crap I suck.

I didn't notice how old this thread was. sorry about that but i still like it here :ugh:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
reddog said:
O.K. holy crap I suck.

I didn't notice how old this thread was. sorry about that but i still like it here :ugh:

DAMNIT!!! NEWBIE!!! Gee's it's people like you....

J/K ;)



Registered User
The problem I have with RME is that it gives me really bad gas and it is difficult to read the posts while sitting on the toilet. I sat and read the other night til the toes went numb. :D :D Can someone get me some more toilet paper, damn it. Or do I have to do a post it on the "wanted" section.

RME also causes problems with the wifie..... :greg:
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Registered User
I'm new to the site and haven't even finished my rig yet but I look forward to getting it done so I can join you guys on a trip. I want to say that since I joined RME I have had nothing but fun listening to everyone telling each other how it is and having fun with each other some take it personal some may not but it's still fun. If you make a stupid comment expect to get a stupid answer from this site thats one thing I like no sugar coating and no censorship. There are not many forums on the web where you have that liberty. Greg I think the website is perfect and frankly with all the members we should plan group activities and possibly RME stickers so we can advertise the fact that we are proud of our home away from home. Because god knows we all probably surf this site alot. I can't see why we would have a negative image maybe it's becasue we don't care what all the other websites or clubs think or do and I think that's what makes us what we are, enthusiastic about our site and our rigs, and our family at RME.

oh and if it says sold by the owner take it to mean it is "GONE":D


Push to the Peak
interesting read, for a total newbie to this site. How do you old timers rate yourselves in this aspect now? As you can see by my quick support of the site, I’ve felt welcome … but then I am quite the shy, soft spoken, easily offended, lurker type (not).

I suppose it was a u4wda activity, not rme … but I was excited to see the trip reports from delta, as well as other trip planning’s for Easter etc. I’m hoping this site provides good opportunities for similar … member wide invites to runs … as well as opportunities to find invites to smaller, spur of the moment trips. Of course, going in a large group is lots of fun. And of course, going with just a few, with similar capabilities is also lots of fun. My disappointment with this site will be if it does not provide opportunities for me to get out and wheel with others.

Being new to rock crawling, I have a long punch list, heck and I don't even know what it is yet ... You Moab guys, remember Tag-along-tours (old boatman here, are they still around?) That's me, wanting to tag-a-long on some cool moab trails.
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James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
I'm new to the site and haven't even finished my rig yet but I look forward to getting it done so I can join you guys on a trip. I want to say that since I joined RME I have had nothing but fun listening to everyone telling each other how it is and having fun with each other some take it personal some may not but it's still fun. If you make a stupid comment expect to get a stupid answer from this site thats one thing I like no sugar coating and no censorship. There are not many forums on the web where you have that liberty. Greg I think the website is perfect and frankly with all the members we should plan group activities and possibly RME stickers so we can advertise the fact that we are proud of our home away from home. Because god knows we all probably surf this site alot. I can't see why we would have a negative image maybe it's becasue we don't care what all the other websites or clubs think or do and I think that's what makes us what we are, enthusiastic about our site and our rigs, and our family at RME.

oh and if it says sold by the owner take it to mean it is "GONE":D
I like this guy. He gets ''it''.:greg: