Any Mtn Bikers on RME?


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I rode Sleepy Hollow/Co-op Canyon and then over the ridge and down to Currant Creek Reservoir two weekends ago. It was rad. I bent my derailleur hanger on one of the trails, and it finally broke in half right when I could coast the rest of the way to the campground. Lucky. As. Hell. I bought two replacements so I can start carrying a spare. I'd love to ride with you guys one of these days.


Well-Known Member
I rode the bst this morning, starting at poperton park and rode west to city creek canyon. Im trying to ride more, daily, if possible in slc or surrounding areas. Ill probably try ensign peak starting at the UT capitol and riding to the towers above the capitol tomorrow morning.


Resident Thread Killer
Rode Anne's Trail up and back down Rush yesterday, was the first ride for me this year. I really need to pick up a newer bike with disc brakes...


Well-Known Member
I'm game to ride Corner Canyon tomorrow night. I'd like to check out the new section on Rush. Or I'd be up for a ride from Ann's to Maple Hollow downhill if anyone wants to do that.


Resident Thread Killer
Were they done building the new section of rush that has jumps on it?

Yes, it kinda surprised me to see the knew cutoff just before the small climb at the top. Its a pretty sweet extension.

I took a contour video of the ride, but the internet connection at the hotel I'm at sucks, so I'll have to wait until I get home to upload it.
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