Anyone heard from Seth/Rocklogic Lately?

If anyone does talk to Seth, tell him I'll give him some money. I sold him a Northstar/700R4 combo a while back. Now I need a tranny and I know that 700 has got some killer parts in it (since I built it). I'd like to buy the tranny back, but I may never have the chance to ask him. Oh and I left my chain bolted to the Northstar. I want that too. :D
I think the new owner story is 100% BS and its an easier story for Seth to tell than he killed Rocklogic4x4.

Boy am i glad i finally logged on for the first time in months to read this. I guess Rocklogic owes everybody money. My company has been trying to get payment on our invoices for months and we can't leave a voice message like you all are saying.
This is rediculous.

Congratulations...Looks like Seth made all of you that he owes money to new owners of Rocklogic by default. 'Course a turd is still a turd, whether you own it or not. I honestly can't see anyone who would buy Rocklogic in their right mind with all of the baggage that comes with it. Hope you guys get your money eventually. :-\
As a former business owner, I too had to make the realization that it was time to close the doors. Unfortunately for RL and it's customers, that decision was made a little too late to have a positive outcome.

Spoke to some of the guys that work next door to RL today. Wasn't good.
The plot continues to thicken... all his talk in the other thread about squaring up loose ends appears to be 110% lip service. The list of those shafted by Seth & Rocklogic continues to grow as the dust settles.

I'm now fully convinced the "new" buyer skit was a total fabricated story to allow him to have a easy exit from the company, not just emotionally but he cleared out a lot of tools, inventory and even customer owned projects from his shop in the final days. My guess he made up the story to keep others from knocking down the doors while he was making off with what was left. Am I wrong, I doubt it... but I doubt more that Seth will ever tell us the truth. :rofl:
Incredible. It's one thing to go under, but it's completely another thing to take things that don't belong to you. I hope Seth didn't do this... :-\