Ever wanted to learn guitar? It's not too late.


Well-Known Member
This has been my love hate relationship for the last little bit.


For those who say they can not learn, this is the first song I ever learned on guitar. Tons of practice, and help from my friend and brother.


Training your fingers is the hard part, once you get the muscle memory down you will be good to go. Also don't strangle the neck caress it.


Well-Known Member
This has been my love hate relationship for the last little bit.


Definitely post up a video of you playing it once you get it dialed. That's the kind of country I could listen to all day.
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Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Just got back to work after a much needed vacation. I made sure to grab my guitar so I can practice at night while away from home.


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
Thanks for the tips here Steve. My wife and I were both planning on getting a guitar this summer since she doesn't have to teach during the summer and we wanted to help fill some of the time. Definitely subscribed here.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Ok, first practice in ages and I played for about 45. Things I learned:

I need a real capo. A Bic pen and a zip tie don't quite cut it.
I need more practice. (duh)
My strumming sucks. I'm a lefty, playing righty and I think my right hand has a mild case of epilepsy.
It is doable. I just need to keep at it and study strumming guides.


Well-Known Member
Rock on! Great report. Try strumming to the beat of a metronome. Just up, down, up, down to the beat, nice and slow. Something like 60 BPM is good to start at. Increase it 10 BPM every 3 min or so. Smooth, even up-down strumming is something that if you don't correct right off the bat it'll plague your playing forever.

I like Keyser and Dunlop capos. Get one with a spring in it, no elastic stuff. Plan on spending $20, it'll be well worth it.

Are you playing with a pick or your fingers? Try a few different picks thicknesses and materials. I prefer the delrin, non-glossy ones. They kinda feel porous if that makes sense. I think thinner picks are easier for beginners.

You'll be glad you're playing righty. WHen you walk in a music store you'll have tons more selection cuz you'll play the same guitar as everyone else. THe few lefties I know that demand a lefty guitar hate not being able to play a friend's guitar, or only having 1 or 2 guitars to choose from at a store. My wife is a lefty and she plays right handed. You'll get it.

What song are you working on? Did the 45 min go by quick, or was it tedious?


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I don't have a pick. Suppose I should get some. The practice went pretty quick.
I tried playing lefty for a day once. That's just a PITA.

I was following that Green Day Marty tutorial.

Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
Of coarse you just gotta call me out! :D

I messed around last night until I fell asleep in my chair. I was watching some of the videos you posted above. Then I got through the D and A keys. I am gonna hit it again tonight. I also practiced Smoke on the Water and am starting to get that. Well the top part anyway.


Well-Known Member
Shelby took lessons at school this year, she is really liking it, so much that she is tired of using my old guitar and wants a new one ( metal strings)


Well-Known Member
That's great Rick! I don't blame her for wanting metal strings. Make sure she doesn't put metal strings on her nylon guitars, she'll want an acoustic meant for metal strings.

$200-300 will buy a great intermediate acoustic these days.


Well-Known Member
Here's a great series on how to practice effectively. And yes, there is a WRONG way to practice. (watch all 6 videos in the series)



Well-Known Member
I've got an open guitar spot on Wed nights at 7 PM. Benjy, Troy, you guys are welcome to fill in that spot for free until I get a full-time student.


Well-Known Member
Great news. Let me know how it goes and if you need any pointers. The first month is the toughest, then it just gets more and more fun from there.