Rock on! Great report. Try strumming to the beat of a metronome. Just up, down, up, down to the beat, nice and slow. Something like 60 BPM is good to start at. Increase it 10 BPM every 3 min or so. Smooth, even up-down strumming is something that if you don't correct right off the bat it'll plague your playing forever.
I like Keyser and Dunlop capos. Get one with a spring in it, no elastic stuff. Plan on spending $20, it'll be well worth it.
Are you playing with a pick or your fingers? Try a few different picks thicknesses and materials. I prefer the delrin, non-glossy ones. They kinda feel porous if that makes sense. I think thinner picks are easier for beginners.
You'll be glad you're playing righty. WHen you walk in a music store you'll have tons more selection cuz you'll play the same guitar as everyone else. THe few lefties I know that demand a lefty guitar hate not being able to play a friend's guitar, or only having 1 or 2 guitars to choose from at a store. My wife is a lefty and she plays right handed. You'll get it.
What song are you working on? Did the 45 min go by quick, or was it tedious?