Ground Zero Mosque, how do you feel?


Active Member
What are any of us going to do??? There is absolutely nothing that any of us can do as life simply is a shades of gray cosmic crap shoot for everybody on the planet. There are no black/white answers as foresight is blind and hindsight is always, always, always 20/10 or at least one sees a glimmer of light. I as a psudo Right Winger may rant and rave but what the hell do I actually know. Same for Left Wingers, Middle of the Roaders, and all the shades in between. We are all pissing into the wind actually from birth to death. We try to do/believe the best we can with what we see and experience. Maybe Nostradamus could see the future a bit but the rest of us little mere mortals can't no matter what we like to think. I for one would like to see a few Angels/Beings of whatever Cosmic Persuasion come down and actually tell us/everybody what the hell is actually going on but that's not in the cards. The only hard and fast rules we billions on this planet can actually live by are: Don't eat Yellow snow and Change our underwear occasionally.


Active Member
So to sum up this thread...

against: I don't like muslims because some muslims are bad so american citizens(or people legally in the country) of the muslim faith shouldn't be allowed to practice their religion when and where they please like every other religion in the country.

for: Stop being bigots and mind your own damn business. All religions have assholes, get over it and let citizens practice their religions when and where they please.



Active Member
Not up to debating your/my views of the reality/future of islam any more. No giant mosque/cultural center in Manhattan period is my emphatic view. Have a nice day.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
No mosque, period, anywhere in Manhattan? :wtf:

I am 1,000% opposed to radical Muslim a$$holes that want to kill everyone, keep women in the Stone Age, and use children as bombs. That's one thing.

I'm also opposed to Islam on the merits-- its founding philosophical base, the nature of Mohammed, etc-- but they have a right to follow if they want to. That's another.

Between those two things, there is plenty of room in America for a mosque. Denying every Muslim, despite whatever objection you have to their religion is unwarranted, and reeks of bigotry.

I wish you were up to debating the issue. :( Some good might come of it.


Active Member
Loma Colorado
If they are successful in getting approval & building this mosque slash cultural center, only time will tell what it will be used for?

It will be interesting to see what becomes of it? if they do get to build, I wish only that it is used for peaceful purposes.

I wish that for my kids & grandkids, time will be the judge,


If they are successful in getting approval & building this mosque slash cultural center, only time will tell what it will be used for?

It will be interesting to see what becomes of it? if they do get to build, I wish only that it is used for peaceful purposes.

I wish that for my kids & grandkids, time will be the judge,

They've had the approval of the city for quite some time now.......

As for only using it for peaceful purposes, I have no doubt that's all it would be for. This isn't the Middle East.


Vanilla Gorilla
That's what you wanted to hear right?
What we would like is a logical discourse on WHY there should be no muslim community center in Manhattan. I don't need much, just WHY you think the way you do. What the rest of us are trying to figure out is just exactly WHY it shouldn't be done. I haven't read one sentence explaining WHY from any of the detractors other than an opinion that it would be "in poor taste" which was not followed up as to WHY it would be in poor taste.

Give facts and honest opinion with explanations as to WHY you feel that particular way. You can't attack illegal immigration in one thread because they aren't following the law , then attack gay marriage folks for trying to change the law so they can be law abiding citizens, and then attack muslims for following the law in another thread. You can't have it both ways.

If it's because your religious beliefs lead you to hate muslims, and gays, and illegal mexicans, then say so. If you are going to be a bigot just let er rip man...just say it, that's what we all want to hear. If the reason you don't like illegal mexicans, gays, and muslims is because you are a closed minded uneducated bigot...just say it. If you aren't a bigot then please explain to us WHY you aren't a bigot.

It takes about 10 minutes of searching my posts to figure out how and why I stand on such topics.

I am against illegal immigration because it is against the law. IF they want to change immigration laws then let the people speak and let due process take its course.

I am for the reformation of marital contracts to allow anyone to marry whomever the hell they want. I don't understand homosexuality but it is none of my business with whom people enter into binding contracts with or where they park their privates.

If muslims want to build a complex in manhattan whilst abiding by the law then let them. It is none of my business. I hate radical psychopath muslims as much as the next guy but as long as they keep their sticks on the ice in my country then let them do as they may. If I run into a radical muslim with a gun or bomb threatening American I will shoot him/her in the face just as soon as any other red blooded American but as long as they keep their act together then LEAVE THEM ALONE.

OK bobzilla...your turn buddy...put up or shut up.


Active Member
Loma Colorado
What we would like is a logical discourse on WHY there should be no muslim community center in Manhattan. I don't need much, just WHY you think the way you do. What the rest of us are trying to figure out is just exactly WHY it shouldn't be done. I haven't read one sentence explaining WHY from any of the detractors other than an opinion that it would be "in poor taste" which was not followed up as to WHY it would be in poor taste.

Give facts and honest opinion with explanations as to WHY you feel that particular way. You can't attack illegal immigration in one thread because they aren't following the law , then attack gay marriage folks for trying to change the law so they can be law abiding citizens, and then attack muslims for following the law in another thread. You can't have it both ways.

If it's because your religious beliefs lead you to hate muslims, and gays, and illegal mexicans, then say so. If you are going to be a bigot just let er rip man...just say it, that's what we all want to hear. If the reason you don't like illegal mexicans, gays, and muslims is because you are a closed minded uneducated bigot...just say it. If you aren't a bigot then please explain to us WHY you aren't a bigot.

It takes about 10 minutes of searching my posts to figure out how and why I stand on such topics.

I am against illegal immigration because it is against the law. IF they want to change immigration laws then let the people speak and let due process take its course.

I am for the reformation of marital contracts to allow anyone to marry whomever the hell they want. I don't understand homosexuality but it is none of my business with whom people enter into binding contracts with or where they park their privates.

If muslims want to build a complex in manhattan whilst abiding by the law then let them. It is none of my business. I hate radical psychopath muslims as much as the next guy but as long as they keep their sticks on the ice in my country then let them do as they may. If I run into a radical muslim with a gun or bomb threatening American I will shoot him/her in the face just as soon as any other red blooded American but as long as they keep their act together then LEAVE THEM ALONE.

OK bobzilla...your turn buddy...put up or shut up.

Number 1 what or who gives you the right to decide who or what I hate? I like the way we find strength in numbers, we who are you speaking for "WE" WTF is we? lets have names pal.
You know what I think, I think you cant stand to hear anything except what your ears want to hear? your opinion or we's opinion?
Are you speaking on behalf of your buddies? you know what I don't give a s____T what you think I am, you are a disrepectful guy that is for sure.
I on the other hand am man enough to respect your opinions right wrong or otherwise, can you sat the same WE???
I can bet one thing I am right on, is that you are younger than me, that is why you think you can go off on me like a Fing Volcano? right,
"Put up or shut up" no respect right smart guy that's your story.


Vanilla Gorilla
I read your post while imagining the words coming out of Rodney Dangerfields mouth and it was quite entertaining. Thank you for that. My apologies, I mean no disrespect.

Look man all I want is for you to help me understand your point of view. I am open minded enough to give you the chance in my mind to teach me and help me understand what makes you tick. If you want to imagine me as a 31yr old kid sitting on the floor in front of you waiting for you to grace me with some knowledge then so be it. Please help me understand your thoughts and feelings. Please kind sir hook a kid up, drop me some knowledge. Explain to me why you think the way you do. I'll ask a simple question.

Kind sir, my elder, why should the Muslims not be allowed to build a community center open to the public on the island of Manhattan?

I am patiently, and respectfully awaiting your reply.

Sincerely, Spence