Steve's '94 Toyota x-cab mild build

Starting with a wood that is treated will last longer than just a coating on the wood. Any nick or scratch in the coating will allow moisture into the wood. Marine plywood wont care.
darn, too late for that, but thanks for the tip. I've got a shell over it, so it shouldn't get too wet. BUt sometimes the wind blows rain in sideways through the screen windows and it gets water in there.
The best sealer I can think of is made by Glidden. It is their polyurethane porch and floor paint. You would want to do 2 light coats. It is self priming and scuff resistant. I think its about 25 bucks a gallon and comes in any color you want.
Here are some recent pics of the sleeping platform I built. I read through about 20 build threads and took my favorite elements from each. I didn't want to build a platform that was permanent and render my truck bed useless for Home Depot duty, so I built it to be flexible.

The main thing I learned about this was that the measuring tape will lie. The bedliner shifts around slightly, so I built this thing by trial and error 'till it fit.

Started with this:


Then made some plans:






with a temporary top to get me through girls' camp for a weekend.


and this is how it sits right now. Not quite done, but definitely usable.
Damn you Steve!!!! Things like this make me want a truck......

You thinks I could do something like this in a Sami and sleep in the fetal position?

Maybe a one seater with a bed on the passenger side.. Oh wait.... Where would the wife sit.
sure you could do it with a sami just make a plateform that hooks onto the tail gate and has a tent that goes on top at least your off the ground where the critters are
Damn you Steve!!!! Things like this make me want a truck......

You thinks I could do something like this in a Sami and sleep in the fetal position?

Maybe a one seater with a bed on the passenger side.. Oh wait.... Where would the wife sit.
seat belts on the bed like a stretcher...duh! that way when she gets bored she can sleep:rofl:
the words sami and sleeping do not belong in the same sentence :D

I'd just park next to a tree and sling a hammock in between the tree and your bumper.
My wife and I were sleeping in the back of my 4runner. In the morning I opened the glove box to find a mouse that had delivered babies over night. I tried to get the mouse out, but couldn't catch it, or find it for the matter. We were heading home that day from Moab with my wife that day. Still don't know where the mouse went.
what do you guys think about coating my plywood with the epoxy coatings for garage floors? I've never used it on cement, let alone wood.
If it says it works on wood like stairs in the garage I say go for it. If not maybe use some cheap bedliner like Duplicolor that is softer. I know you can use Herculiner on wood but it is too coarse for what you are using it on.
I know this is too late but MDF particle board with some spray on adhesive and speaker box carpet would last forever. I have an old amp rack we made I use to lay on when I work under the truck that has been out in the snow and rain for 8+ years and it still looks great and holds its shape.