The upcoming moto ride/quick report.

That was some pretty good carnage on the Crux. Who was it that made it up the actual Crux clean at the end of the video?
We figured there was $1,500 in damage between us all. I got away with a cracked hand guard, Harrison needs a new chain, the endow guy, Craig needs a new set of nuts and a radiator for his white YZ450. We had to bypass the left radiator. The KTM350 bent bars, subframe and handlebar switch. There was a CRF chasis with a KX500 motor with huge adventure size wheels and tires that put a hole in his radiator and then a KTM300 smashed a pipe. There were 4 that made it up without any help. Three of them made it two or more times. I let a 18 yr old kid ride my old Yamaha WR250 smoker and he made it look simple on that bike
I was able to sneak in a quick December dirtbke ride with a few local friends at Rabbit Valley yesterday. The weather was amazing, perfect temps for the ride and we were all at about the same riding level... it was pretty fun to ride those trails about as quick as we could. Quick & dirty video edit... Watch in HD!

Anybody want to freeze with me tomorrow and go ride? Thinking of doing soldiers pass. I offered Von $50 and he still said no. Guess he's getting too old to be in the cold. Bones are brittle.
I went out with Luke (rockreligious brother) today. We rode at Soldiers Pass. Got in 38 miles in 3 hours. Not the fastest but not bad for 19 degrees with at least 6" of snow and all single track. Somehow we never got cold and had a great time. We were the only tracks out there.
Head on collisions. I don't recommend them. I've had 2 now. Last time was a broken wrist. This time is a broken fender, hole in my clutch cover, broken pipe guard, and dislocated pinky I'm thinking. It was in Warner Valley on double track. Teenager came flying around a corner on the wrong side. Locked his brakes up and steered right into me. I had a lot of work to do on my bike before the St. George ride and the season but now I have even more to do and more money to spend.
Ahhhh!! That SUCKS Tyson! At least you didn't break anything too serious.

I had a wreck a few years ago out at Rabbit Valley, I ended up dropping the bike out of sheer surprise at seeing the other rider coming at me... very glad I didn't smack into him. One of my biggest fears is meeting someone that rides just like me, coming the other way. :eek:
That's what happened the first time in AF canyon. This time I had slowed down. It wasn't a hidden corner. We could see each other coming for a few hundred yards. I slowed down and was riding the far right edge. I wasn't in the way of the previous 6 riders with him. But this kid came flying around the corner like he was trying to catch up to the group. The dad had the nerve to yell at me that it was my fault and that I didn't slow down. Til one of his buddies behind the kid stood up for me and told him it was the kids fault. Then the dad apologized.
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At least it didn't turn into a dog pile with everyone blaming you... sounds like another reason to ride w/ a buddy. When the fists start flying, have someone there to get your back!

How'd the kid come out, any injuries?
The kid said he was fine ut he kept grabbing his wrist or ribs. I couldn't tell which. But he said he was fine. We both got on our bikes and rode off. He broke both his hand guards off and I didn't see what else. I didn't notice the hole in my clutch cover til I was loading it up. Glad I decided to call it quits. I would've run out of gear oil real quick.
My biggest fear riding dirt roads on the DR is hitting on oncoming car. I new a guy that hit a pickup on a dirt road. It pretty much destroyed his shin bone. One leg was an inch shorter than the other.
Funny I don't fear hitting another dirt bike very often. Thanks for giving me another phobia Tyson!