Time for another dirt bike - which one to get for a short rider?

I don't ride a lot either, and I'll just have to reenforce the rekluse. It's like night and day difference for hard stuff. You don't get as tired because as stated you only have to focus on the trail not the clutch. Your left hand will be a lot less tired and so will your mind. Its like a marlin crawler for your dirt bike. If the WR sells and I buy another bike in the future it will be the first mod I do.
Go for a yz250, I think there are a few tricks to get it down a little lower if needed (going to try it to my wife's bike this week, maybe you could give it a sit..)
Geared right they are strong, reliable, light weight, easy to start, cheap to own/maintain, and smell nice..
All this 2 stroke talk is really making me miss having one dedicated to trail junk :( I pulled out my CR500 today and I think I'm going to throw a few trail goodies at it for this upcoming season.. anyway enough about me.

If you liked your CR Hybrid or that CR250 of mine that you rode for a bit I think you'd love the YZ Steve. They are such a neutral handling bike meaning they require very little rider input compared to some of the others. I often joke that they have a built in auto pilot :p

I hope you figure something out I need an excuse to come visit you at AF this year :cool:
I hope you figure something out I need an excuse to come visit you at AF this year :cool:

Don't worry, AF Canyon's call is too strong to ignore. I'll probably pick up an early 2000's YZ250 in a couple months. I'll bet AF Canyon isn't open 'till late June anyway.
This last trip to Moab was my first real ride after I installed the Rekluse. To be honest I'm not sure if it helped since my body kept using the clutch anyway, no matter how hard I tried! I did stall the bike a few times rolling very slowly over very large obstacles, could have happened more if I wasn't clutching it the whole time
I visited Edge Motorsports today and learned a little more.

KTM doesn't make a 200 anymore. The KTM 250 and 300 2strokes have as high a seat height as any other bike I've tried. The XC-W models do not have a linkage on the rear suspension, and they sit even higher than the sx and xc models.

I also learned a bit about the KTM Freeride 350. Apparently Ken Block is the only person in the US who has one. He brought it in to Edge Motorsports a while back and a few of the employees got to ride it around a bit. They said it seemed extremely tame. Apparently they're waiting on the EPA to approve it for use on the roads in the US. Australia, Europe, Africa all have the freeride 350, but we have to wait on our government. He also said it has the suspension of the sx80, which iI found to be quite interesting.

I also threw my leg over a pitster pro t4 250 SC. It wasn't half bad. It had a seat height of 35 inches and a wheelbase of 53 inches. It had the smaller wheels, but it was manageable.

I think the XTR 230 LC could be a great bike for me once I shave the rear seat down. It won't have the zip of a 2T, but it'll be a little tractor that'd go anywhere. The seat height is a bit big, but it's still over 2" shorter than the newer KTMs. Not even pitster pro has one in stock, and I'd really like to sit on one and ride it around before I decide to drop some money on it. I like the lightish weight at 235 lbs, I like the fact that it's air-cooled, and I like the fact that it's got an electric start. Plus the suspension and brakes are far more advanced than what you'll find on a TTR-230 or CRF 230.
My wife's '99 YZ250 may be up for sale very soon. We are going shopping for other options for her..
Really nice graphics/seat kit. Geared for some good trail climbing. I am going to change the fork seals this upcoming week.
High jacked!

We looked at a TTR125 today and my wife really loved it. In looking at the specs between the ttr125 and ttr230 the seat is only 2.6" different. The 125 seemed just a little small for her, but the 230 weighs 53lbs more. I thought I was sold on the 230, but it doesn't have a kick start also!! What kind of dirt bike only uses a battery! LAME!
Does any one have good experience with the difference between the two?
It seems the 125 is easy to ride for those with less experience, is the 230 the same? Does it FEEL that much heavier than the 125?
Does anybody have a 230 we cold come sit on and look at?
Agreed. The ttr230 is almost a good bike. You can buy a kickstart conversion, but it's stupid expensive. I've ridden both. The 230 has a lot more grunt, but it still delivers the power to the ground really well. Very tractor-like, like an xr200 (or the ttr125). It's not jumpy or lurchy. It's smooth all the way through each gear. The ttr125L or LT is really the only way to go for adults. The bigger wheels are much easier to roll over stuff. Another cool alternative to the ttr230 is the xt225 Serrow, which is the street legal version. Plenty of power for a trail bike, and it has blinkers and stuff. I had one and liked it, but it was a bit too mellow of a trail bike (suspension, weight, and brakes wise) for me. My wife would love it.

The 230 is the right height and wheelbase, but the weight sucks, and the suspension and brakes are pretty lame too. The honda 230 is a great option as well.
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High jacked!

We looked at a TTR125 today and my wife really loved it. In looking at the specs between the ttr125 and ttr230 the seat is only 2.6" different. The 125 seemed just a little small for her, but the 230 weighs 53lbs more. I thought I was sold on the 230, but it doesn't have a kick start also!! What kind of dirt bike only uses a battery! LAME!
Does any one have good experience with the difference between the two?
It seems the 125 is easy to ride for those with less experience, is the 230 the same? Does it FEEL that much heavier than the 125?
Does anybody have a 230 we cold come sit on and look at?

:eek2: 53Lbs!!! :eek2: There's no way you couldn't tell it was way heavier. I'm not a great rider, and I can tell a 10-15lb difference on bikes.