I was talking with Cody not too long ago about a certain marriage tactic that needs to be employed from time to time that is quite powerful, and must be wielded with great care.
“Letting your wife have what she wants” seems like a deadly recipe. Most men would shy away from this perilous journey, and I promise you it is a journey. There is a time when she will be so certain that she is right, and you’re so certain that she is mistaken. You must consider the value of her having to realize that you weren’t just right, you were REALLY ****ING right. So right, that it’s worth letting her spend thousands of dollars on tile and associated construction materials, having her house be a construction zone for 2-5 years, and having to deal with it all yourself.
It’s worth all of that to hear her say in a barely audible voice, 2 months into the project, “I will sell this house before I ever consider doing more tile again”
The war on tile is long, but the first battle was won in just a couple months. I ****ing told her we didn’t have time for this shit. 😄