The light inside my shell quit working the other day. If it were summer I might not care.. but trying to find tools in the dark AND the cold is too much for me. I have been wanting to play with LED's a little more, so I ordered a roll of LED strip lighting on ebay for $10.. This should have been a simple plug and play thing, but behold, not my luck. The shell has been wired with black as positive and red as negative.. so that was frustrating to figure out.. but on top of that, the reason it all quit working was a break in the main power line that was hidden above the spare tire, which resulted in a blown in-line fuse hidden within the engine bay, under the main fuse block. Needless to say, what should have been 20 minutes became 3 hours.. But, I am VERY happy with the turn out! super bright. The light wraps the entire top of the shell, so no more large shadows in the bed from a single bulb.
This photo was taken in the garage, completely dark outside the truck.
This photo was taken in the garage, completely dark outside the truck.