Why does RME have a negative reputation?


Well-Known Member
RockMonkey said:
Um, oh yeah... Anywho, I'd be in. I've been by the shop on my way to pick up something from Fedex, but haven't been in yet. I'd check it out if we had an official RME open house!

I drive the OLM shop everyday on my way to work, as long as I wasn't working (or could sneak away for a few) I'd for surely come by...


Registered User
I guess you could say I am a lurker. Ive been here for a while, and barely got over 100 posts. Although my posts per day has grown slightly in the recent months. I guess the reason I lurk is because I feel I have nothing to contribute to the board in comparison to teh vast wealth of knowledge which precedes me. That would probably be my fault though. I've been told many times I have a very shy personality.

Having said that, I must admit that I haven't always been the nicest person either. Occasionally I get on the board and read a semi-controversial thread and just get all riled up over it for some reason. Usually it's because I've been having a bad day and need to vent. I end up venting in the wrong direction when certain things rub me the wrong way. I must apologize to all those of you who I may have offended. I am truly sorry.

I must admit though that I think this is by far the best board I have ever visited and joined. I guess the reason I keep coming back is because of the friendliness of everyone. Yes, there are occasions where a heated discussion may be present. The moderators seem to do a great job at letting them work themselves out unless they get out of control. And that is another thing I like. Moderators who aren't dictators. Moderators who are willing to share and help out, not just sit back and watch with the ban-stick! The friendly family atmosphere is awesome. Perhaps that is why some people dislike RME. They've probably towed the line too long and got called on it. Now they have a grudge. Possibly they've found out about RME from one of these people. That is the sole reason I stay away from Pirate. Tons of knowledge there too, but I can't stand the say whatever, do anything atmosphere.

As for a BBQ/Wheeling trip. I would be all for it. I really would like to go out and meet some people and have a good time. My main concern there is that we make it a location where all skill levels and vehicle ranges (stock to crawler) can join together. I have a YJ with 31's, and although I've wheeled it to what I think is a fair amount, I seem to be intimidated I suppose. But then again, if the meet would go anything like this forum does, I shouldn't have anything to fear. My experience here has been that everyone starts somewhere. The persons with the most knowledge on the subjects are probably the ones with the better built rigs, but then again, how'd they get there. Started somewhere.

Cheers or Beers to Greg for starting this forum. And to all the staff and behind the scenes guys who make it what it is today!


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Supporting Member
I think not having a vast level of tech doesn't exclude you from posting. Look at me, I have like a million posts---don't know ****. :D

I'll help organize the event if it's so desired. I'm not a mod, but I've been around since the old board so I feel like I'm somewhat associated with the forum.



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Supporting Member
Ohms said:
Cody...Liquids on Fri? Royal Bliss is playin....

Sorry for d hijack

I work til ten, but I might be down for that. It's close to home

oh yeah, RME rules (just to stay on topic)



Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Just piping in, I like this board a lot. I haven't been here long but have lived in Utah all my life. I know 2 people on the board. I would like to meet more. Here's one problem, most people with stock rigs might feel a little intimitaded to go wheeling with the built rigs they don't want to "hold em up". Make sure events are planned that can accomodate everyone. I think the attitude here is pretty healthy, but the notion that if you have a million posts or a buggy rig that qualifies you to be a cooler or more godly dude. Rigs and posts don't elevate you above anyone else. It is pretty cool to share knowledge and experience, and to have free access to that is pretty dang awesome. I for one appreciate the fact that I have a place to goto when work is hitting a 100 on the boring scale. I also love the trail reports, cudo to those who take the time to post those. Keep up the good work everyone!! :cool:


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
skylinerider said:
I hate qwest, they have been a real pain in the @ss.
Thats because you weren't dealing with me! :D j/k

But I also am grateful for the time and effort people put into this board. And the moderators are awesome for keeping it clean. I have never had a problem with anyone. i got some ribbing when I was first reigistered and posted, but what do you expect, thats what guys do.

I would be down for a BBQ and trail run. I think it would be good to put names with faces.



Grey is cool!
West Jordan
If RME has a negative reputation, should I remove the sticker from the back window of my XJ? I always had people asking what RockymountainExtreme.com is because of that big sticker. I have never had anyone say anything negative about it. Even one of the guys who was kicked off the site. He saw the sticker, said the site has it's use and he did the work I paid him to do.

Oh and by the way, What other local sites?
Greg said:
I'm sure most of the comments have come from those who lurk or don't use the forum that often. I too would like to hear from that side.

greg, i used to enjoy getting on RME, and i've been a member for awhile, but lately (past few months or so) it seems like if you don't have a buggy you arn't "cool", thats how most i have talked to including myself feel about RME nowdays. granted i've been on runs, met some great people but most i have met lately (and yes they have buggies) act like they are better than everyone else out on the trail and ALOT of people don't care for that crap esspecially when your out to have a good time, and i know from experiance that is alot of peoples problems with the board. just my opinion.


I'm here.
jmaxj said:
greg, i used to enjoy getting on RME, and i've been a member for awhile, but lately (past few months or so) it seems like if you don't have a buggy you arn't "cool", thats how most i have talked to including myself feel about RME nowdays. granted i've been on runs, met some great people but most i have met lately (and yes they have buggies) act like they are better than everyone else out on the trail and ALOT of people don't care for that crap esspecially when your out to have a good time, and i know from experiance that is alot of peoples problems with the board. just my opinion.

I will agree with jmaxj, I have been on a couple of runs with guys from RME and agree to the fact of "buggies and 38's, or your not welcome" attitude, the last run I was on, left early because of the Hollier than tho attitude. I would rather spend my time on other boards than here, because it's ok to run 31's and 3 inches of lift on a d30, without having chromo shafts and ctm, or why spend the money for that,, you just need a D60..

Yes I run 35's, detroit, d44, 760's and have done Pritchett, oh by the way, with someone running 32's and made the rockpile without help!.... so ....Greg, i think you have done a great job with the site. But it's most of the users I really don't enjoy reading about or spending time with them. The "went to snakes" or "mini-moab" threads get old after seeing the entire trips page posted with them...


I run a tight ship... wreck
jmaxj said:
greg, i used to enjoy getting on RME, and i've been a member for awhile, but lately (past few months or so) it seems like if you don't have a buggy you arn't "cool", thats how most i have talked to including myself feel about RME nowdays. granted i've been on runs, met some great people but most i have met lately (and yes they have buggies) act like they are better than everyone else out on the trail and ALOT of people don't care for that crap esspecially when your out to have a good time, and i know from experiance that is alot of peoples problems with the board. just my opinion.

Now that's what I want to hear!

I understand where you're coming from & I hope that the 'buggy owners' attitudes aren't *really* driving you away from this place. Most of the tech, general discussion & the meat of the board applys to all sides of wheelin'. Just because someone choose to build a buggy shouldn't mean RME is only for them. For me, I love the technical stuff... cage building, axle swapping, locker additions, etc. That applys to both sides. In my mind, RME shoud cover all aspects of wheelin'. As far as attitudes, well that's up to the individual & there's not much I can do about that.

Along the same lines, I a heard complaints about the name of RME, specifically the 'Extreme' part. The complaint was that RME cateres to the guys who have those comp buggies & are "willing to risks it all"! Funny, because when I thought of the name, it was JUST A NAME. People are reading into stuff way too much. Extreme is what you make of it, even if it's taking your XJ with a Budget Boost lift & 32" thru the Golden Spike trail.

Yes, we have a competition section & obviously it's only the ones who have comp rigs who participate. Personally, I love the comps too, there's so much to them! For those who have never competed, it's amazing to be on the inside, watching what your competitor does, how many cones they hit, planning your line thru a course & trying to do better than the guy before you.

One thing I have thought about is trail runs that seperate 'the buggys' from the full bodied rigs. Call it segregation, I guess, but it might help out by grouping people together who want to run together. I'd really like to start doing trail runs with both sides of the spectrum. Guess I better build 2 rigs! :eek:


I run a tight ship... wreck
Geepfreak said:
I will agree with jmaxj, I have been on a couple of runs with guys from RME and agree to the fact of "buggies and 38's, or your not welcome" attitude, the last run I was on, left early because of the Hollier than tho attitude. I would rather spend my time on other boards than here, because it's ok to run 31's and 3 inches of lift on a d30, without having chromo shafts and ctm, or why spend the money for that,, you just need a D60..

Yes I run 35's, detroit, d44, 760's and have done Pritchett, oh by the way, with someone running 32's and made the rockpile without help!.... so ....Greg, i think you have done a great job with the site. But it's most of the users I really don't enjoy reading about or spending time with them. The "went to snakes" or "mini-moab" threads get old after seeing the entire trips page posted with them...

Hey, I've heard it too. My last wheelable rig was a TJ on 33's with stock gears & opened diffs. I wanted to build it a little more & I heard all about building nothing but 60's.

I'm sorry to hear about the attitudes, again... I know a few people who have the exact attitude you're referring to. I think it's lame, but not sure what to suggest. On the other hand, most of the guys I know that own buggies are really down to earth people. There's a few who cop an attitude, but they are like that without thier precious buggy. ;)

The repeated local trip reports are getting old, but a Moab trip report is never old! We need a few new playgrounds! Desert Mountain is a place everyone should visit at least once. It has options for everyone.
Last edited:


I'm here.
Greg,, as an side note,, I would like to thank RME, for the thread about Desert Mountain, although short. I have and look forward to spending alot more time out there.


Registered User
When I started here on RME I was dogged on by some other members and from that time I really don’t post that much any more. I have been on some runs with a few guys and I had fun on them but I really didn’t get to talk to any one. Not that many people on here know me and the few that do, or I think they do, just dog on me. I would love to post more on here but every thing I say just must come out wrong. I try and start a new post and nothing happens or it gets taken over or I get dogged on for spelling “the” wrong. Don’t get me all wrong I like RME but just as a lurker I wish I could post more but I just fill that I will ether get dogged on or what I have to say on the matter doesn’t even help.


Not an FBI agent
I'm pretty new here, but from what I have seen, most of the buggies are the result of years of progression. Those guys have been where I am now, with small tires & opened diffs! I don't mind buggies, I think they're neat to look at & watch. I guess I don't really know any of the buggy owners on here though, so I have missed the attitude part. As for the rest of RME, it seems pretty well balanced. The classifieds are amazing, I browse thru them & get all kinds of ideas! I think RME is what it is, a forum for people who like rockcrawling. I like rockcrawling, so here I am! It is neat to have something like this, props to the mods who keep it running!!


Im new here too, Ive been a regular on POR..Ive never seen anything negative about RME. My only complaint is that I didnt find this forum a long time ago. I cant wait till RME gets bigger so there is more in the archive to search.