'97 tacoma build: Abner

I got some KM2s to replace the treps. I really wanted to run the treps, but they're heavy, and I'm going for maximum MPG and minimal power loss. The treps are incredible tires, but they weigh 20lbs more (each!) than the km2s. I guess with sidewalls as beefy as the treps has, it's gotta weigh more.
I have always liked the KM 2's. Trail gear just released a new part today, I'm guessing dual cases will be in this thread soon.
That's great news. I knew they were in development, but I didn't know they were out yet. That's dedubitely Ib tge plans for this rig, just not before hitr.
I got some work done today. Not a ton, but something. I raced BMX in the evening, I needed a break away from all this.

I thought I'd try something new for trimming the outer fenders. I want the truck to retain a stockish look, but I don't want ithe tires to rub. So I drew out my plans:


The bummer about trimming the front fenders is that you have to ditch the inner plastic fender. So mud, snow, dirt, etc get in by your door hinges. I'm not cool with that. so I wanted to come up with a solution that blocked debris from entering the door hinge area. I thought I'd just cut little slits in the fender and bend it over. Here's my attempt at that:


I was using tin snips, which cut just fine, but they bend the sheet metal a bit, and leave a pretty jagged edge.



This was the finished product:


you can see the tabs filling the gap in the inner fender.

Clearance wasn't a problem at full bump.

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It looked terrible. It didn't flow with the lines of the truck at all, and it just looked like a 12 y/o with zero patience went at it with some rusty scissors. I was so embarrassed that I didn't want to post pics up here, but I realize everyone makes mistakes and I'll be the first to admit that I'm no expert at body work. Not even a little bit.

But it's ok, because I had a backup plan. I figured that it'd be best to follow the stock fender lines, so I marked along the lower fender.

Rather than have a million tabs that I'd have to later weld up (which would look even worse), I figured I'd just make several tabs every now and then, that I could zip-tie the inner plastic fender to.



It's looking better, but it still looks like a 12 y/o attacked it with rusty scissors. The lines definitely flowed better though. I still need to trim the front bumper to match these lines.
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on to the driver's side.


This time I used a cutoff wheel to do the cutting. MUCH cleaner, and much faster. It's definitely the right tool for the job. It made the pass side look terrible in comparison. I touched it up with a flap disc to get rid of any sharp edges and put it on.



The pass side was still bugging me because it looked so terrible because I used tin snips. You can see how jagged and uneven it was, and each "snip" bent the metal ever so slightly. Enough to bother me. It'd look fine from 10 feet away, but I wanted to do it right.


So I took the flap disc to it and it smoothed everything out. All that was lost has now been restored. Both sides look great.
My ADD kicked in, and the front grill was starting to bug me. It just looked old and faded from the sun, so on a whim, I decided to paint it.




It doesn't look like a show car, but it looks much better.


That's all for today. On Monday I'll be pulling the diffs to get them ready for gears. I've never pulled a front IFS diff on a tacoma before, so it'll be exciting to try that for the first time. It seems easy enough with manual hubs.
I need some ideas of how to attach the lower part of the fender. I had to cut off the stock mounts, and it just kinda flaps there right now. I need a solution to keep them on, yet keep water from getting inside the cab when it rains.

I'm talking about this part right at the bottom, above the slider.


I'm thinking of drilling a hole through the bottom part of the fender, and drilling a hole through the floor, so I can run a bolt through it. It seems like that would allow water to enter. I could zip-tie it, but that's ghetto. I could use some ideas.
thanks. They look a lot better now. I don't have any pics of them after the flap disc. I'm thinking of siliconing some fuel line hose to the edge of the fender to keep it clean looking.

I love KM2s, and I love these wheels, but I don't love the way the silver looks anymore. Those Treps were way more aggressive looking. I think I may have to paint the wheels charcoal metallic, or gunmetal grey or something like that. Minor details, and it probably won't happen until after hole in the rock. I'll have to see the whole truck with the wheels on to get a better idea of whether or not I like them.
By the way, tires and everything look great. You scared me when I saw the brown primer on the grill.
looks great! i know your not a chrome guy but they sell some trim stuff at checker that you can put on in 5 mins and makes trimmed fenders look factory but i think you did a clean enough job you dont need it
looks great! i know your not a chrome guy but they sell some trim stuff at checker that you can put on in 5 mins and makes trimmed fenders look factory but i think you did a clean enough job you dont need it

They also sell it in black and other colors. Its the same stuff I used to edge Tysons tacoma bed for his bumper.
They also sell it in black and other colors. Its the same stuff I used to edge Tysons tacoma bed for his bumper.

I'm going to have to get some more info on this. I was just going to make a slit in a 1/4" fuel line and line the fender with it, and throw some silicone in it to keep it there. This sounds like it might be a better option. I like what you did on Tyson's bumper.
I'm going to have to get some more info on this. I was just going to make a slit in a 1/4" fuel line and line the fender with it, and throw some silicone in it to keep it there. This sounds like it might be a better option. I like what you did on Tyson's bumper.

I still have 15' of the black leftover, you're more than welcomed to have it, if you want i can drop it off today on my way back from SLC.