I got the bike out for its first real ride today. I decided to ride 5 mile for easy truck access when it broke down, but fortunately that wasn't necessary. The motor is extremely strong with loads of torque! I had a hard time riding the really rocky trails since the bike just wanted to wheelie. I'm hoping I learn how to use all the extra power because it made me considerably slower today. The wide ratio trans seems to be working well but I wasn't able to ride in 4th or 5th. I did notice the speed difference of 2nd and 3rd which was a good change especially with the engine just pushing thru them. This thing will be scary fast with this combo at the top of 5th! My only complaint is how difficult it is to kick. I kept having to find something to stand on before kicking it over and it was a huge hassle. Even after I had good leverage to kick it the bike still needed 5 or 10 kicks to fire up so I might have to lean out the pilot jet.
One thing is for sure, this bike will dominate at the dunes!